Volary level 1?or Colony level 1?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by Shiro, Mar 20, 2013.

  1. Which is better?Volary level 1?or Colony level 1? :?:
  2. Depends on the build ur goin for. Please just post these like 2-line questions in the stickied question thread, thanks.
  3. I have a volary and I'm going Hansel... If your ate too then volary it is... Great stats and plunder rises little
  4. If your going hansel then vol but it has lower plunder than a guild.
  5. @cloud, from what I've heard, volary makes more than guild, but I'm not hansel so I'm not entirely sure.
  6. At a switch from a level 4 guild to a level one vol you lose plunder but in the long run you'll gain plunder...I tested this so I know what I'm talking about.
  7. nope. you dont know what you're talking about
  8. It can happen in rare cases when going from guild Hansel to volary. It's because it's the massive change in strength. Same thing happens with t4 and sos at first, but it evens out in the end.