Discussion in 'Wars' started by lIIlIllI___PARSFAN___lIlIlIIl, Nov 25, 2014.


    So the story basically went that troll statrted a pvp with me around 3 weeks ago when he didnt like a coment I posted about build tokens. Immediately I realised this guy had at least 10 alts on me and was hitting hard. I stuck in hard troops on eb bank n spies on his main as I knew this would get to him most. about a week past when trolls first attempt at a strip failled he got 5b and I continued to hit his main with steals and assassination.
    In the second week he again failed on a strip and I continued to bank grow n spies on troll.

    Finally it happened I was hitting troll for shards and he finally had enough n gave up the pvp with his 10 accounts and called in his loyal followers at kotfe and the third fail strip happened. They did manage to get 65b of my 250b this time but my bomb exploded in trolls face for a 240b loss.

    The moral of the story is no matter how big an account is or how many alts they have never give up as you can win against the odds.

    Be warned kotfe are now indulging troll in his forum bashing and allowing him to start fights with people and then getting involved.
    There is no such thing as pvp at kotfe they will eventually get involved so be warned just ignore them and troll unless u want a whole clan on you.

    I dont think I will be able to top this massive victory over one of the biggest mouths in kaw so will end my kawreer on a high at beating troll in pvp and forcing him to go crying for help.

    Cool story huh

    Ps: the kawmunity aint stupid they know that by crying for help from your clan I win this pvp.

    Respectfully PARS !!!!
  2. Could you post this again? 2 times isn't enough for something this big..

    Nobody cares though. You're a hansel, not that hard to win a 1v1 with an attack build
  3. He hasn't cried to us. We just know how much you rage. And we are jealous that he found an idiot like you to post threads about him and we each want our own thread.

    Aka we are bored and you rage like a child.
  4. I think we need at least 7 more threads about this, don't u?
  5. Lol this guy is butthurt. First of all my first 2 strips on you were tiny as hell, and took you 6 hrs to catch them.

    Secondly, I stripped you, a ps, paying a ton of shards, and opened you to my clan. Sharing is caring.Thanks for the love parfay. This definitely requires 2 threads.

    You went from paying 30 to paying 10 in a matter of 5 minutes.
  6. Lmao, good job TROLL, I hope you can find another idiot to post at least another 3 threads about you. One day you'll be as famous as the lb
  7. These were my favorite 2 posts on the last thread:

  8. Anyone can call in entire clans to fail strip someone .......what ive done is beat a loser who spends most of his life on kaw ....its so sad how much you play. ......get a life .

    What ive done is beat one of the most active players in the game with my 1 hansel account against his 10+ alts and main .

    Old school kawing maybe ypul think twice before opening your mouth again troll let this be a lesson to you that you are a nobody

    Oh wait youll probably just call in your fan boys at kotfe to help
  9. "Beat"

    I'm not going to even respond to your stupidity anymore. Enjoy your perm farm slot parfay.

    Ps your Bomb didn't explode. It wasn't a bomb moron. Just a statless ally.
  10. Dont you dare threaten anyone in this game about being your perm farm after I made you cry to kotfe for help to strip me...

    You are done..

    And so am I
  11. It's actually quite sad Parsfan how little you know about Troll, outside of kaw, he has a job, and he goes to the gym, I've been a friend of his for quite some time now and I know all of this, lol.
  12. What else does he do?
  13. did someone say a PS with shards?


    hb attk op np
  14. High voltage u noob alt he already admitted he doesn't have a job n goes to college you idiot.

    Statless alt get your lies out forums
  15. I think he is. inc op :lol: :lol:
  16. Lololol parsfan so buttburt. Good one troll. Pars is a nOob
  17. Lmao you make it sound like you are so amaZing. You think you bested troll. Truth is troll found out you pay hella good shards per hit, he stripped you and told the clan that a ps was open who would pay good shards. There is an event going on, we all wanted shards. So therefore you were a juicy couple hundred shards quit showing forums your butthurt and get back to your 1v1
  18. Weren't you complaining about the event?
  19. The only thing you can win pars is a pie eating competition 