Very short stories

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by *lady-marian (01), Oct 13, 2010.

  1. Write your very short stories here! Only rule is that they must be less than ten words. They can be random, funny, or meaningful, and emotional. I don't care, just post your very short stories!

    I'll start:
    The angry bird ate the hair brush
  2. A gay man rode his bike.
  3. That's what she said.
  4. Once upon a time there was an end
  5. Tactical nuke
  6. cat baked cookie choked and now has 8 lives end
  7. A man said: "hi."

  8. Once upon a time
  9. The dog rolled aroundd.
  10. He sang her a song. She left anyway.
  11. And then the light blinked out.
  12. Napoleon kill kill kill Waterloo sent to south pacific= death
  13. VOTE FOR PEDRO!!!!!
  14. Obamba had sex with megan fox

  15. Obama don't deserve Megan fox
  16. Once upOn a time a kid can't after all
  17. I hate The Yankees, go Red Sox
  18. I have red socks
  19. Murmansk got nuked, thankfully Obama was there and died
  20. All rejoice for world peace