
Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Zethryr, Feb 9, 2015.

  1. Have you ever wondered if two famous characters met, and fought, which would win?
    Sure you have.

    List several fictional Fights you would love to see.
    Here's mine.
    The Winter Soldier vs The Red Hood

    Deadpool Vs. Deathstroke

    Batman Vs. Moonknight

    Richotchet vs Nightwing

    Prodigy vs Red Robin

    Superman vs Sentry

    Duke Nukem vs The Guy from Sin City

    Bruce Willis vs Jason Staham

    Cat woman vs Blackcat (reow)

    Wolverine vs Lobo.

    Nathan Drake vs Dante from DMC.

    John Marston vs Clint Eastwood from the Good the Bad and the Ugly.

  2. Nic Cage vs Everyone
    Nic cage would win everytime
  3. your girlfriend vs your best friend
  4. Nicolas Cage


    Adam Sandler

    Who would win?
  5. Also, you can discuss who would win and why.