veil idea is backwards?

Discussion in 'Wars' started by RABBl, Dec 13, 2012.

  1. So my clan went to war. We were concerned about leaks because of auto join feature and inactive people. So they (Devs) made a veil spell to cast that would hide you from war. Problem is, what if people are on hiatus? Perhaps you have a friend that you played kaw forever with and just can't bare the thought of booting? But they are a leak because they are inactive and therefore can't cast the veil spell. Hmmm. That is why this idea of a veil spell is backwards. If they were to reverse it from a covering for hiding from the war, to a fight spell that allows only those who cast it to join a clan war, then all the leaks and unpleasantries of having to boot old friends or weekend inactives Would disappear. We wouldn't have to tag and figure out who was now warring and posing a possible threat as a leak. We should be Thinkjng about going to war! Not having to boot friends on our roster that we hope will come back active soon (only for them to find they have been kicked and abandoned). In addition... Clans would know who is actively preparing for war because they would have to cast the war spell to enter into the arena. Like showing your ticket to an event. So maybe they could reverse the concept of veiling to warring? Since it is a war game and all, not a plug the hole, in the sinking boat, by booting your friends game.

    Happy Holidays from Summit
  2. Great idea bro and seem it would be an easy solution too .
  3. This was just suggested yesterday, but I still...

    Support :)
  4. i like this.
  5. Nice idea, better to do it this way imo
  6. I have been posting this exact point since before the Beta was over. Opt in spell. Not Opt out. I was personally answered by the devs in 2 separate Kaw_Admin threads. The answer is that this is 2 hard to do at present.

    I'm still confused on why this was the direction taken because opt in solves EVERY problem for every clan but the answer is no.

    It has been further presented and answered in the same threads that if the spell can not be switched at least give the clan owner the ability to cast the veil spell on inactives. The answer to this was that it would be looked into.

    Let's hope this happens soon.
  7. Nice one pale
  8. Uhmmm. If a kingdom, Once upon a time, was protected by a group of warriors and one of the protectors went on hiatus, would he still be at his post? No, he'd be gone. Owners of a clan need to make the tough decisions.
    Are we a war clan?
    Are we a holding clan?
    Are we EB warriors looking for an edge?
    An owner needs to sort their members so leaks and future leaks are minimalized, and allowing inactive warriors is a sign of weakness. Nut up and kick your fluff. Maybe that's why there's so many complaints about unfair match-ups.
    No support
    [Easy Button Disabled] 
  9. That will basically make all sw inactivesless. And I love it when my opponents have lots of inactives when we don't. No Support.
  10. Kinda lame how you totally stole this thread from someone yesterday, but I still do like the idea
  11. Nice I like the thought of this
  12. Great idea. As usual, the devs demonstrate their lack of basic design capability.
  13. SUPPORT, system ATM places huge strain and rl time of clan owners/admins trying to contact everyone re warring or not, whether to kick or not, waiting till last minute before sign up to kick etc,
    C'mon devs, make my life a little easier 
  14. Support. Hopefully they get around to it eventually.
  15. I hope you guys are aware you wouldn't need an input spell it would just be like normal non-dev scheduled wars.