vegans are superior

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Leavanny, Aug 8, 2016.

  1. Vegans are superior because we do not get heart disease or cancer because we have low cholesterol, high alkaline diets, meaning we have no diseases, so we are healthier.

    We save water because a cow has to drink loads of water in its life before being turned into a burger.

    We save grain because that's what cows eat and if cows don't eat it then we are saving it for children in Africa.

    We are sportier because we have lower amounts of cholesterol and are healthier.

    We are smarter because tofu sends electrical impulses to the brain that make us smarter.

    We are stronger because we eat grass and bulls eat grass, so that means we have the strength of a bull.

  2. Become a vegan, think of the children
  3. Was it easy coming out of the closet to your parents?
  4. Yes, because I am a strong independent vegan who can handle situations like a man (for a man)
  5. Cows arw dying because you eat all their foods. There's nothing noble about sending cows to oblivion.
  6. Obviously not, humans have evolved to be omnivorous. Thus meaning we need to eat meat and vegetables, from the handful of friends I have that are vegans they are all overweight.

    Vegetables do but have creatine nor vitamin b12 which are both essentials that come from meats. B12 only is found in meats and well algae with out b12 it leads to less cognitive functions. Another lesser known nutrient is carnosine which helps fight aging.

    There are also no studies against unprocessed meats, I conclude this with the fact vegan/vegetarian diets came from people who are extremely poor.
  7. Nah, poor people eat what they can get their hands on
  8. In ancient times a vegetarian was the village idiot that couldn't hunt.
    Also we need plants to recycle and renew the air we breath, animals breath the same air we do, so being more carnivorous contributes to cleaner and more air.
  9. Stopped reading after "superior".
    Good luck with that.
  10. And are tiny weaklings....and die lonely
  12. Poor attempt at a troll thread. Arkst did it better.

    3/10 for effort
  13. My dinner just pooped on yours.
  14. One of these is a vegan. *hint* it isn't Nigella.
  15. Stopped reading after vegans
  16. I'm a Cannibal but I only eat Vegans so does that count?....

    ...Carnivore? Omnivore? (thats pretty weak sauce)
  17. TL;DR

    This is bait
  18. Successful troll is successful
  19. 5/10 because no photos of vegan cuisine, no vegan gif and no vegan tag/logo. Better create a vegan clan.