Val's hansel t5 guide (updated by fluffles) HELP

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ChrisB96, Apr 30, 2014.

  1. So I'm currently following fluffles updated version of valuable's hansel guide but I am getting confused can someone who has used it and has completed his guide please follow me?

    Happy KAWing
  2. Follow the yellow brick road…
  3. Lol. That's over 3 and a half years old. Now you just go SH lvl 1. And really it doesn't matter about saving up and converting in one. Upgrading will now help your plunder.
  4. Just follow val. No need for a thread. He'll tell u everything u want AND everything u dont wanna no including how he wins all the time( end of sarcasm)
  5. Hop off my dick salty, for once in your life.
  6. So u asking me to leave u alone? Just say it and i'll be gone dude
  7. I said, get your booty, off my rod.

    Get your nostrils, outa my behind
  8. Thats a no i guess.
  9. Salty can tell what I've bad for dinner just from smell alone
  10. Yeah. U had mexicanif u no what i mean
  11. What can I say. Your mother is a very bootyful woman.
  12. butthurt
  13. Yes. Your mamma is very butthurt'ing
  14. Mo butthurt. Hey not my fault u like mexican brah