Valiant Knights

Discussion in 'Other KaW Discussion' started by PipeBomb, Jan 28, 2016.

  1. Plagiarism coming up:

    Some of you are thinking...'Oh here goes a nooblet kissing up to devs.'

    The others are thinking, 'Ugh what is VK even?'

    Which I have asked myself.

    What do our VK's do?

    I know Willy makes his entertaining threads. Sean smiles (is Sean still a VK?)

    Besides that...we have no real VK impact on the community.

    I was wondering who the kawmunity would like to see as VK.

    I would like Ashes and Chocolate to receive it.
    They are clearly the most deserving.

    Post your suggestions below and hope the devs pay heed.
  2. The blue seems fitting.
  3. Killer because.... He kills people
  4. not pipe
  5. Support
  6. What about me? 
  7. And yea my two for vk are ashes and choc like pipe said
  8. Ashes posts too many offensive boob gifs 
  9. And I vk is more just a recognition for the positive contribution people make to kaw. That don't have any real job to do set by the devs. But they continue to contribute positively to the community and are easily seen as people , that you can ask questions of.
  10. Lol
  11. Did I hear offensive and boobs in the same sentence?!?! BLASPHEMY!!! HEATHEN!!!
  12. Offensive like this: OMG how offensive.

  13. Sethosaurus. He's been a really helpful forumer for the past couple years and I think he deserves the honor.
  14. You knew that was coming

  15. So offensive!!!
  16. Wooooolooooloooop
  17. I vote ashes because ashes is my only frwiend
  18. Yes agreed
  19. Support
  20. He has posted this I'm sure...

    Awful. So offensive. Kate uptown. Pfff