Valiant Knight Additions (April 2015)

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Apr 24, 2015.

  1. Valiant Knights are players who make the Kingdoms at War community awesome. What exactly does this mean? That varies depending on the person, but what we look for is someone who helps grow, nurture, assist, or otherwise gives back to the community.

    Valiant Knights receive the Valiant Knight achievement in game, as well as a special blue forum and world chat color to reflect their status.

    Having said that, we're thrilled to announce our newest Valiant Knights


    -Xx_-AJ-_xX- spends his time organizing a variety of events and games for forumers to participate in. The biggest of which being KaWpalooza, a multi-part event providing something new and exciting each month for players to enjoy.

    Moody is an active and helpful player who engages in a number of discussions hoping to improve the experience of others in Kingdoms at War. They've spent a good amount of their time helping other players transition after the closure of Future Combat, and creates a positive environment for all around them.

    Sean893 is a shining star in the community. Literally! You'd be hard pressed to browse the forums on PC without running into their smiling signature and upbeat attitude. They help out whoever possible, and make the forums a better place.

    With these additions, we also want to remind everyone that while these players are being recognized today, there are many others out there as well. To those of you who do your best to make Kingdoms at War a better place, thank you ^^
  2. NICE! Congratulations everyone!
  3. Congratulations! More official smurfs!
  4. Grats AJ!

    And others...
  5. And we'll never hear them again.. Jk congrats AJ
  6. Congratulations. Keep it up. =)
  7. Congrats guys :)
  8. Congrats!!!!!!
  9. I am greatly disappointed that there isn't a period at the end of the OP.
  11. How do you become vk again btw?
  12. I dont know anymore..
  13. Good job AJ! U are my forum inspiration and u deserve VK.
  14. #RIPCreative
  15. It's stated in the op, by helping everyone on forums and in-game and by making kaw awesome for everyone.
  16. Congrats AJ you truly stand out for being helpful in the community:)
  17. Where's my VK at
  18. CONGRADULATIONS! That is an awesome achievement! Keep it up and one day you might be a mod!