User Not Found

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by danny_is_kawaii, Dec 19, 2014.

  1. Hello,

    There is a bug that I've been getting in which whenever I hire new players, the game prints a message to the screen: "User Not Found".

    This so-called bug is only fixed after restarting the game/reloading the page. What would help me prevent it from occurring?
  2. Farm the mods until they fix it.
  3. Having your app up to date, including OS
  4. I am currently playing on a computer.
  5. When im on PC I get that only when I am clicking on too many names. I don't really think it's a bug, just something it does.
  6. Usually throwing my computer into a hot bath does the trick for me. Scrub it all down so it feels nice and refreshed and then let it air dry by a heater.
  7. :shock:
  8. May aswell add a fish into it and fry your dinner.
  9. Blame ATA for resetting inactive accounts and screwing up the ally market
  10. Press the reset button on your profile , it will reset the cache and data that has built up on your app . This will fix your problem :)
  11. Ah spreading false info. Nice. I see you liked being silenced  forum bans are just as fun
  12. I'm sure they are quite the fun time
  13. Cody,

    Your troll game is subpar. Also, it's nice to see that you're so helpful to newbies.

  14. I thinks it an anti bot type of deal they added to the game a little while back, wait 15-30-45 seconds and the error will disappear.
  15. Reset button will fix your problem
  16. Seems like the best course of action :lol:
  17. Support.
  18. Show op how it works. I dare you :)