upgraded war roster for PC users

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by TR-_-Bragan89-_-TR, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. I would like to request that for the pc version the war roster ( plunder list) during EE war be up graded. I would like if we could go back to the war roster by use of a back button like on iPhone, and also add an attack and spy action button beside the user in the list as on iPhone as well. They are great features but it's not on PC.
  2. Yes!!! Agreed. Also: when wr is up, if you are receiving any incoming at all u cannot see it cause screen around wr is blacked out! Makes it incredibly difficult to sko. And if a back button is put in have it take u back to where u were not to the top so u have to scroll down every time too