Just got to 30 land available, what is the better option, upgrade castle or one of new buildings? I'm mostly interested in gold right now.
If you were at land 30 you would have the 4 lands explored in highlands, but you don't. Thread should be lock for being misleading.
I have 32 lands explored. Upgrade castle and you should have converted to at least t3 before exploring highland
Consider upgrading you l3 guild to l4, ditching your barracks and any forges for l4 guilds, then keep on with a castle. Your build is all over the place... Defensive building should not be mixed with attack buildings, only balanced should be mixed with defensive or attack. Defstat attstat<balanced att/def
Wow thanks for all the feedback,I got threatened for being misleading...ur right(25 lands) and fussed at for not being strong enough, and mixing attack and defense. I was trying to cut corners by jumping to t4 and not wasting money on smaller buildings. So...some say get the castle, one says forget subs go t4, one says stables??, I think I'll go t4 in empty lands first then castle, then replace weak buildings with t4. Thanks again. Keep posting, still looking for advice.
T4 conversion is gonna take ages for you're stats. You shouldn't be at those stats for highlander either.
I know I screwed up and tried to grow to fast, but I think if I stick it out ok, I'll have grown faster in the long run.
I see you found the forums. You should try reading a build guide. Best way to fix your huge screw up is go to your profile page, scroll all the way down to the little grey button that says "reset" and press it.
Stop giving him stupid advice like Reset. Upgrade to L2 Castle first, then start the slow process of converting your lowlands to all T4, whichever T4 buildings you like. Don't go any further than land 4 in the Highland before BC in lowland. Enjoy