Upgrade castle???

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by buddaray, Sep 8, 2010.

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  1. Is it possible to upgrade the castle and if so how???
  2. No and your a noob, please don't post on the forums again
  3. This is the castle
    for this code
  4. No you've just made a fool of yourself even asking that question
  5. Lol outdoortoast first person with proof
  6. That was obviously taken at the forums it's origin is unknown
  7. Lol read the code. Very carefully.
  8. It says I can't believe it's not butter.
  9. Yes I've been knowing that ever since I first heard someone say it only a dumbass would believe it's real
  10. Pic stolen. Lol
  11. No thats min i can prove you by changing the build
  12. That one jb thing... Ifile...
  13. Nooooo it the freaking code
  14. Oh  nvm i was thinking about a different app.
  15. Why do noobs these days all want to upgrade castle? When i started i never asked or was told i just figured thats the way it is (unupgradeable) and never wasted time on it again!
  16. OP upgraded his castle :p
  17. Nobody else thinks it funny
  18. Why the flying **** did you bump this Delta. :|
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