Upgrade castle

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by lXISLUARDELLYIANBOYIXI, Jun 8, 2010.

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  1. How does the castle upgrade
  2. You need kaw version 1.09
  3. It doesn't upgrade.
  4. Is that the one you pay for? Or is a update
  5. It's a future update
  6. Lol blumpys messin with u...u need to buy the chaos pack to get the option to upgrade.
  7. Godlike2u gave me his code and I have a l4 castle which makes less gold loss on drops plus lower prices on upgrades.

    I'm really happy with mine. My build shot up fast once I upgraded.
  8. Mines lv 6 and I still haven't LC*Ed
  9. Mine's level 10, it includes a button which generates 100b gold a day :D
  10. Wow youre all idiots you cant upgrade your castle yet
  11. have you tried it recently? i bet you havent even checked ;) mines only lvl 9 but ill be at 10 soon!!!
  12. Mine cost 10 billions to upgrade :shock: that give 1,000,000 in defense and 687 buildings, 1744 allies and 1744 nobility and I have screen shoot to prove it. I'll post them if you like to see them :D

    I forgot where I put the code so don't ask me. I gave it to someone on this thread, you might want to ask around.
  13. *goes to Photoshop*
  14. no no photochop, it's genuine capture with my iPhone. If you paid for my iPhone I would send it to you to verify :p Maybe I should just upload the photo so you can tell if they are genuine or not ?
  15. Its a bug caused by a lag. I know.

  16. Guess I'm not the only one got that bug ;) :mrgreen:
  17. I wana see the SS 
  18. I have a pic when I had 647 buildings 300,000,000 out, 75,000 troops/spies and I was only half regen......

    Close to what trex has......
  19. Here it is:

    I bet you don't have this one yet :lol: well least one other person I got the code from that troll around this thread :p I promise to not say his name, but I can tell you he trolls in this thread :D
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