updates that should come

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ilovehaley, Jan 29, 2012.

  1. This only one update I think they should, I have more ideas but this is my main one. They should make quest to we're instead of troops you use spy's to completes them. Do you support or disagree? Do u feel there would be any conflict that would happen out of this? Post :)
  2. I think that's good but only if they give xtals
  3. No support. This idea has been suggested and shot down many times before.
  4. But I don't think it would be very good of an update for how long it would take them to do it
  5. But it would be an addition to the game, and there are a lot if osf that could hit spy quest they quest would still give xtals and nobility same as regular solider quest
  6. Still I would rather have an update that is more interesting and fun. I don't think quests are fun
  7. How many times have I seen this idea...?
    You can't fix stupidity.
  8. I highly agree that they should do this because we'd play more
  9. Its abusable for nob hoarders. No support.

    Also, just use the update thread that already exists.