Due to all of your constructive feedback, and after consulting with several focus groups, we have improved our "new" splash screen. We hope you all like it. Unfortunately, due to time constraints, this will be the final version: ...... Actually, we did listen to your feedback, and went back to improve on many aspects of the original image. This is the new, updated, improved, *final* version. We hope you like this new iteration better than the original! ------ Shortly, we will be pushing out an updated Android version of the app which has a refresh of the loading screen. It contains a new logo and image. This will be out on iOS devices in our next update as well. For those of you that are not on Android devices, we didn't want you to feel left out. So to be fair to everyone, here is the updated splash screen that will be on all devices soon! Full version: http://i.imgur.com/3cXZd.jpg We hope you all like it!
Re: Updated Splash Screen To be honest I like the current Inanna one better.... But updates are good... Thanks.
Re: Updated Splash Screen We might be hiding something other than our phones now. :lol: I'm kidding, thanks for listening to feedback devs.
Re: Updated Splash Screen No. Just no. I love (what's her name, "Ariadne"?). That's the best kaw page ever. Been here longer than I've been. Please, it brings back so many memories.
Re: Updated Splash Screen THAT LOOKS AWFUL!!!! Did you lose rights to the last image, because that sucks!!! The graphics are 10X worse and the art is cheap looking! You can't seriously think of that as an improvement!!! Not updating my device, thats for sure.
Re: Updated Splash Screen It makes KAW look trashy. I liked the other one better. Don't change it. At least give her some actual armor. Who wears skimpy clothes into battle?