Heres a link to and updated version of StoneFord's build calculator. I added a few new items including.. new highland prices, stat % bonuses, bonuses from allies, combined stats, and total combined strength from buildings, allies, and % bonuses. Plz let me know what you think or if you would like to see any other formulas. ... l=en#gid=0
Then it's a read only. Not much use to us. Google docs is a bad place to show it, you can make it editable, but everybody edits the same file, can't open one of your own (based on my tests, would test more, but as I said, wifi...returning info is coming in rediculously slowly)
Close, but the defense value on your Temple of Clarity is still incorrect. Try this one I updated on May 4th It has the correct building values, updated highlands, the totals locked across the top for easy viewing, and removed the plunder equations because (especially with the highlands they are nowhere near correct). BUILD CALCULATOR - UPDATED AND CORRECTED (05/04/2011)