Update reasons

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ____________fghhgg____________, Jun 10, 2010.

  1. The devs stated that the fix was due to high attack builds hitting weaker attack builds during war time and making max plunder out of it.

    This is part of the strategy of war. If you are going to war and let your weaker builds fight in the war then you deserve to be taken advantage of. I'm talking top 20 clans here.

    If nal was to go to war, we would simply not let our players who cannot defend themselves join the war, it's called strategy. I would expect other top ranked clans to do the same. The players should have the responsibilty to fight a war however they choose.

    Since the update all I've seen is the known inactives permantely pinned, if you can't find an inactive to pin then you quest.
  2. I know what you mean but quest are hard enough and I finished all my quest already
  3. I only can say it's killing all the ally lb ppl.... Seriously we all make the effort to climb up to our status shouldn't we be reward with max on smaller targets, i agree that's it's better for growing players but it became pointless for ppl who have already grew.
  4. Time to reset Orcster 
  5. Yes it makes sense that bigger targets should pay more, but before the change no big players were farming smaller player who had full def pots. It was already balanced, and the devs justification about smaller players being hit during war time???? WTF were smaller players doing in the war... Again referring to top 20 clans here. Smaller clans are more evenly matched.
  6. Im going to have to agree with fg. If small targets go active in a war then their fair game. Since the the new system does not force you in a war then you can always stay inactive.
    No reason to penalize someone stronger in a war.
    Now when not in a war I think the change Is good. But the problem a lot players have already taken advantage of farming weaker and inactives, so makes it tougher now for new players.
  7. I agree with fhghhghg. Thought id disagree on the clan part. Its not only top 20.


    You should be the least bothered, its all strategy, how they decide to pick roster.

    And if its only because devs are concerned about war, then like i said, make the patch war-specific only.
  8. Agree silencer, any clan should check who they are up against and match roster accordingly.
  9. I agree with all of y'all choose rosters carefully and if we have to have update make it for wars only. It is killing player growth. BTW it's great to see y'all getting along so well Dave and fg.
  10. Agree. The update should be reverted.
  11. The only people not affected are ones with cracked cards. They cashed in all their nobs for gold so to buy more allies. They have there max plunder back while we have to spend monthes getting it back. It just seams to me that it's the honest players are being penalized for not making devs cracked cash! 

    Also, it is a war game! Devs acting all supprised that people hit the easy targets. Devs acting all supprised easy targets hitting easyer targets, and the easyer targets hit the easyest targets. Isn't that the logical stratigy? They shouldn't have entered the war in the first place! They should have stockpiled some pots.

    It is clear that the devs intensions are to force people to hit equaly sized kingdoms. They say you must hit bigger kingdoms. Well how big is big? We talking about someone 2X your strangth or 20X your strangth. On one hand you could use a pot or two for that extra strangth for victory. On the other hand you have zero chance even with all attack pots. 
  12. NAL? War?

  13. I agree with Orc this is highly un satisfying to any on who builds up their income gets good allies mostly friends really. I can see this as in the context of the war system but overall WOW. Most of us are simply SOL I guess unless this is reversed..... In the context of making people buy more nobs this is got fail written all over it..probabaly make people just leave game...

    On another note great idea for war system to even the playing field if lower guys joined..either way they'd get farmed to increase plunder easily...Not really difference their.
  14. I agree it should be changed back . But they want do it .
  15. I DISAGREE completely the devs have now put into effect a real war type feel, so for all of you that feed off your nice little inactive farms such as xxgreenzxx will have to look elsewhere... Like at a real person to fight, the leader board is now achievable for others hungry enough to go for it and the leaderboarders will now need to work their arses off because young hungry ruthless players will arise.

    Hopefully the farms will become apparent and redundant, there will be a shift of power... Don't get me wrong there are some very brutal players out there and there are some very well equipped sheep in wolves clothing.
    I do feel that complacency has set in to KAW, which is why it needs this shake up.
    I suppose this is where I say, STEP UP OR GET BEATEN DOWN.
    It's kingdoms at war not sheep farming in Colorado
  16. Oh assassin, did you read what i wrote, the only people getting pinned now are high stat inactives. We all know a few of them, try and hit one...they all pinned.

    Kingdoms at war isn't about protecting the weak. It's about surviving the strong. We all did it...Before clan chat and extra pots and extra spys...
  17. Then the lb players can forget about
    maxing on targets.
  18. Assassin it's not about the farming tat destroy the game, everyone WANs to climb lb is one thing but the sad part is when u reach majesty or godsin allies bonus, they hit a person with max sub they still only get like 3 mil. So destroy the purpose of growing right? And the 5 hits farming rule is another killer, u hit the person of equal lvl with max pots and finally he soften u can't cont becos of the stupid rule so how to play every hit u give = loss of income so y bother hitting.