Update Lag Problems

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Planemaster, Jan 22, 2015.

  1. Hey all,

    Prior to the new lands, I updated KaW and I find it becomes stupidly laggy. I hit an eb and it will be ok for 2 hits then the 3rd or 4th will take ages. Then I go to hoarfrost lands and find that when I try to click blood barracks it takes ages then after half a minute it says I used a spyglass on one of my other lands.

    I go back to Highlands and find my blood barrack overlapping my Highland building.

    Help, anything I can do


    I have a Samsung Galaxy Mini
  2. Kaws been hella laggy on all fronts since update I would say..

    But what do I know...
  3. Enjoy your forum ban.

    @op, try restarting your device, if that doesn't work try restarting your wifi modem.
  4. I've done both but it doesn't seem to work :(
  5. Only other suggestion really then is try emailing the devs, they might be able to help you out.
  6. BH who made you forum mod? I dont like screen lickers either, but its not my place to say things like that.
  7. Try clearing your cache, if that doesn't work try clearing data (ensure your acct is linked with fb or ata first, just in case)

  8. So nice 
  9. The lag has definitely increased since the last update I play 3 acc's on 3 different Samsung tabs,all are lagging.Phase completion newsfeed comes up when up to 3% left on the previous bar for the completion.Also getting double newsfeed post for eb of phase completion seems these new lands n buildings are messing up the servers as well as plunder.
  10. I have a s5 and of course ata blamed everything but there sever its been ongoing lag but has seemed to get worse
  11. Ive been having lag issues as well. It can be wifi or even 4g and still lags since the last 2 updates. Samsung galaxy exhibit here.
  12. Was locked out of account for about three minutes in the middle of war 11 last night, no problems since
  13. Im on wifi 5mb/s and have only had problems when I updated, before that it was fine.