Unsportsmanlike Conduct

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Punk_Losers, Oct 30, 2013.

  1. This is a petition to ask Devs to strip all participants is Season 2 Wars who show Unsportsmanlike conduct of all Rancor levels, Estoc Edges, and mithril. For example the war StrikeForce was matched with Rising Hawks where they openly admitted to throwing war on other thread.

    These are like the Olympics for kaw and what happened in real Olympics when teams threw matches for better ones? They were stripped and disqualified

    Please Support
  2. Wrong section of forums.
  3. make devs a sweater from your tears and maybe they'll listen 
    Post with main if you want anyone to give a **** about your posts, you're prolly just a butthurt who got his ass kicked by us 