Unknown Secrets

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by xXCrimsonWingXx, Dec 20, 2012.

    I've always known I was different, even before this crazy adventure started. Actually, nothing about me ever seemed normal. I'm not even sure if my peers even thought me as a human. I'm pretty sure that I am a human being, right?

    I waited for a sign, a message that this was a dream, or that I was alive, none came. I sat there for how many hours, days, weeks but nothing confirmed that I was within the realm of reality. This was 10 years after the Journey Of The Seven. I never found out if I saved the world, or destroyed it........
  2. Dude that is a wicked beginning
  3. Chapter 1: Past

    Closest to normal I've ever been? Being the child of the descendants of the two great families, the Soul and the Deth family. These clans fought side by side during the "Battle of the Ork Siege" and were the winning aces of the game. My mom is, ....or was Victoria, part of the Soul family, the most gifted magicians in all of Axelinas, while my father, Blake, was a desdendant of the Deth clan, the fiercest elven warriors in the realm.
    Both my parents were professors at Drakestone academy, training the brightest students around, so I barely even saw them until one night...... They were ordered to execute me.....
  4. Sweet Is A Nice Story Work Harder Your Story Is Thrilling
  5. U should write in the characters
  6. Not enough characters srry
  7. Just waiting for more submissions