unfair payout to hansels and ps1

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Voice_o_Reason, Apr 23, 2016.

  1. Why can a hansel make double sometimes triple what a attack build can make on 1 eb.

    Why are the devs supporting this unfair practice of payouts

    I saw some eb history that clearly proves that.
    Why not support your whole community devs?

    Wake up call. People are quitting except the hansels making extreme amounts
  2. Definitely support this... This gone way to long

  3. People are not quitting over Hansels bud...
  4. I recently started converting my low lands all to spy buildings, I would love if attack builds made the same amount!
  5. Every build has its advantages/disadvantages..

    If you don't like your payouts I'd look into dropping some of them towers.. If you think the grass is so green on the otherside why not check it out?

    No one is stopping you..

    This is one of those "we're in the matrix" threads.. You are not the first 
  6. Well true that hansel earn more plunder in eb but they are the first that gets farmed in sw/osw/pvp ect.
    Hansel need much more gold to get same stats as a hitter
    Atk builds can make nearly same gold if not more as hansel if they have enough skill
    Atk build are much faster in dumping troops in eb if they do hte train or stuff like this...
    This discussion exist as long as there are hansel builds.
    You are thinking hansels are better builds? Build you one
    You think its unfair? Change your build
    Happy kawing
  7. And if I convert then the devs will change it again.
  8. The devs are not going to do a massive payout change because a single user complained on forums.
  9. I changed my alts build long ago to hansel, nothing stopping you
  10. They never changed it till now. Why you say again?
    Do you think you are that important that they will change in the future?
    If you want more plunder listen to people like prime. He was totally right about the towers you have.
    If you do a clever build you earn good anyhow but thats the thing. To play kaw you might need some skill...
    Sometimes it dont look like but yeah kaw is full of strategie and even build a kingdom needs a good one...
  11. I agree hansel is OP for plunder, but has lower cs. If you play KaW and not just HTE then you will know that it is strategic and takes experience.
  12. Hansel sucks, I was getting hit by a 20 mil cs attack build and couldn't defend at all. Switching to attack build because they're OP.
  13. As a hansel I make way less than an attack build my size first hit I'm making 700mil last hit I'm making 600 mil and end pay out for one unload is 23bil on hte
  14. hansels, ps1 and spy-heavy hybrids have low cs compared to attack and attack-heavy hybrids.
    So, it's their compensation for being future
    hte-slaves or xtal-chewing ee-warriors.
    From haunts to aff to lotl, it is a very long way for a hansel while an attack build can proceed to aff in just 2 months or less depending on player's activity.

    I have a hansel, too. It's slow to progress from eb to eb low tier to high tier.
  15. No Support.


    I was a Attack build before i retired (temporary) Yes we do hit the "drop limit" before hansels do (around 2-3 xtals for max event item drop on hte) but we make a bit less gold per hte.

    This was before Abyss btw, idk what has changed.
  16. Or just be like me and not care about eb payout, who needs ebs? I had no buildings last week.. I did half an event and got these stats. I will continue towering up bc i could care less about eb payout. Im having fun at this regardless if i grow slower than an eb build..

    Like prime said drop them towers man if u wanna be a high paying eb build. Do you even war or pvp? What u need towers for chico ?
  17. Op, look at the event reward then look at the amount of silver bars per tier.
    As an example, let's say a hansel can get 5000 items while an attack build can get 2000 items.
    900 silver bars versus 700 silver bars. That's 200 difference. 28.5% more.
    When they both expand, build new buildings and upgrade, the attack build will have 20-50% more cs than a hansel because that's the design of the game.
  18. Just change build no need to cry about it
  19. Yes, change build when I reach Osman Rai. :)
    Big Hansel is the future LB.