unfair Item drop in event

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by trolle, Apr 19, 2017.

  1. I believe the item drop in events is favouring the big hitters to a degree that it is absurd.
    If big accounts do 1 unload in mid sized clans they get top money and with it often the biggest item drop. Small and mid sized accounts that have several hundred hits get a crappy item drop compared to the biggies only doing 1 unload. The balance is off and it is unfair for the guys struggling to finish ebs that the rewards goes to peeps doing 1 unload in the end and then moves on to the next clan to do the same. I think that event items drop rate should take hits more into account when distributing items. Right now the system favours the biggest and the loyal clan members are treated unfairly. It is especially problematic in ebs like ASOF LOTL and GOTH.
  2. Butt hurt noob :lol:
  3. It's not unfair. They've worked hard for the size they are why should they get the same as smaller accounts. If anything it's an incentive to grow as big as they are to get the rewards they are getting.
  4. Im not saying they should have the same im saying its absurd how big the difference is. When a guy jumping from clan to clan doing 1 unload getting a rewards of 2ķ where people doing 5-10 unloads and making more overall damage to eb are getting less than 1k sometimes only a couple of hundreds. The system is unbalanced in its rewards but Im not saying biggies should not have more money or items per hit but the difference is to big.

    The incentense to be a loyal clan member is close to zero when rewards are so unfair. And this game needs clans to keep peoplw grow just as much as it needs biggies.
  5. Yes spending thousands on circle pieces and seals while tapping a screen is definitely hard work. Totally :lol: :lol: :lol:
  6. Not all of them tho some have just been on this game for far too long
  7. It's an investment. Yes it's tapping on a screen and spending money but if that's what people want to do then that's what people will do and fair play to them. Like I said they've worked hard for it (or in other words put the money and time into the game) in order to get better rewards from the game.
  8. Technically it's hard work, cause they're using ur tax money for shopping da oracle.

  9. Added. yes the difference is huge don't get me wrong but I suppose it's just one of them. If you want to get them rewards either invest more money or invest time. All it takes.
  10. Time playing the game does not mean big stats or big payouts
  11. I dont think you understand the game mechanism and how it has changed with the new lands/ builds. Since events and item drops from events was introduced there has been a difference in drops based on build (bigness and hansel getting most) and activity. The problem is the difference has increased dramaticaly with the new lands so now u can hit around 30 times in lotl and get same or more in items output as people hitting 300 times in same eb (with no items). Yes the big maybe has invested more money (or used it more selfish), but the difference has grown out of proportion with the new lands and buildings. This difference is now absurd because it makes me less inclined to stay in my clan when builds complete visit cause im risking getting a much smaller reward even if im much more active in eb. So this difference are simply to big in my opinion. And ive invested both time and money in this game and could have been a lot bigger had I chosen to go a less clan loyal way and a more selfish way. Its a tradeoff Ive been willing to take for the benefits of being in a nice social clan, but I think its like the devs pleasing big spenders much more than loyal players helping this game stay a live cause if the 100 big spenders didndt have some 1000 smaller players to rise above they would stop playing. So My hope is that devs wiĺl look into how to balance the rate between hitting and bigness.
  12. An one day u'll be that size an understand...oh now I get it. I had to work to get where I am... not unfair bro it's called growing
  13. Its not unfair to me, Item drops have to do something with the size, like gold payout does too, so a bigger Player needs less actions to do the same ammount of demage as a smaller Player does with Like twice the Hits :)
  14. What a lame comment. No I will still find it unfair but then I will benefit from the unfair system.
  15. Not really that lame bro. Let's take this to a RL status. When u get hired in at a new job do you typically start at the bottom of the chain or the top? You gotta work ur way up the totem pole bro
  16. I understand that argument, but u r not awarded for damage u do on ebs (game mechanism awards bigness). U could have smaller players having more bfe n bfa and so do same amount of damage per hit and still get way less items drops. Im not against the difference. Its always been there. But in terms of effect on items drops the difference seems bigger now than before. Devs knows about the potentiel unfairness and the game mechanism on event item drops does take number of actions into account in some way. I just feel devs should look into it again. If 30 action of a 1,2 tcs is worth twice the items of 300 actions from a 100 mcs player?
  17. Plunder based on build size
  18. Like a poet I couldn't say it better
  19. Still that lame. And the job situation cant compare to the situation in this game. Actually a pretty new player spending some fast money could start in the top of the totem and my 4 years in the company is worth less.
  20. Hmm, i think you're right lol but if i hit Goth with regular activity i get the max items rn, but i really think they should make the difference Not that big so smaller players could get better Event rewards too...But i think it has to do something with the gold/size mechanism too, lets force a lb Player to buld 1,2t cs on defence Towers, lets See how Item Drops Change :D