Unfair Aqua

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Fernpool, Feb 1, 2015.

  1. When you came on here, I'm sure you were expecting another person complaining about the price if Aqua - I'm not. I'm complaining at the devs for something they do to take the health crystals away from inquisitive minds like mine.

    I'm sure many people will say it was my fault for doing what I did, and it is partially, but I do not think this is at all fair. I'll tell you what happened.

    You all have tried at least once to buy something you don't have enough gold/nob for. It comes up with the error message: 'you do not have enough gold or nobility points to buy this item'. Fair enough, however, Aqua costs xtals. I wanted to know what the error message for that was. Answer? There is none. Try to buy too much Aqua and it will just give you as much as you can afford - losing me 35 health crystals in so doing.

    Once I lost these, I tried again just to find out what would happen, and it said 'unable to transmute *Aqua: not enough materials.'
    * for some reason the original text is blocked, so I'll call it 'change into'

    This should happen to anyone who tries to buy too many, rather than taking away health crystals when trying to buy too many. Not take my xtals for Aqua I never even wanted it needed.

    Please support to have this changed, and feedback on this is welcome.
  2. That's what ya get
  3. There hasn't been an aqua limit imposed as far as I'm aware, and as aqua costs xstals and you had the xstals there you wouldn't see an error message. I'm a tad confused as to the issue here. The fact you had the resources available would mean there'd be no message until all the xstals were used.
  4. curiosity has a price. have you learned nothing from cats?
  6. Firstly there is a limit of 15 Aqua a day, but that's not what I'm talking about - To find out the error message I 'bought' (without intending to get) 10 Aqua for 50 xtals, only having 35 xtals. Instead of receiving an error message, I received 7 Aqua
  7. Ahhhh, gotcha. That makes far more sense explained that way. In which case, I have no answer and something that's worth highlighting. Maybe drop an email to support or feedback.
  8. I also emailed, but have not yet received a response
  9. I'm sorry for taking your xtals. :cry:
  10. bad aqua! bad! you give the nice man his crystals back!
  11. But I reset. I need them to grow :(