understanding hippies

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -_-sltydgx-_-, Jul 30, 2015.

  1. Hippy️Translations
    hippies have a language that can be hard to decipher, so I thought I would share some of my discoveries. When you tell a hippie"get a job hippie" you are offering them a compliment..to them you have acknowledged their accomplishment of attaining a zen sloth like existence.there are various levels of hippieness one should be aware of when attempting to interact with soap challenged "Dirty hippy" being the highest level!
    A dirty hippy can convey complex thoughts,whole conversations with a simple"ya know" or a "hmmm mannnn"very deep thinkers and gurus of the hippie world to call someone "a dirty hippie is high praise indeed
    If your puzzled by a hippie saying or their lifestyle ways please post or ask questions here and I or indeed anyone will attempt to help you.Trolls are always welcome and to go off topic is encouraged
  2. "how does one become a hippie you ask"Good question! first adopt a cause you know nothing about!Make no effort to learn about the differing views,best to not educate yourself at all, if you can avoid it,,,then share your feelings loudly and proudly with everyone at every opportunity! If confronted by someone who may know what their talking about call them " sellouts""government shills" or what ever else my seem appropriate atm,
  3. Didn't read



    Kate Upton


    No Support!



  4. Oops. Wrong thread.
  5. That's a lot of jifs.
  6. Hello there my favorite Asian gif girl.

    Oh yea, I didn't read the op either.
  7. Slty, what do I do if a hippy offers me an organic granola bar with linseeds and kale?
  8. You do the hokey-pokey and turn yourself around. That's what it's all about.
  9. gifts from anyone should be only accepted with forethought and caution.always examine the motivation behind the giving with hippies its complex, Most truly dirty hippies operate under a barter system so what may seem at first to be a act of generosity could be a attempt at trade.
    one of my relatives misunderstood hippie speak..she accepted a gift of food and a day or so later allowed the truly dirty hippy to sleep on her sofa till "he got back on his feet" after attempts to get him to move out and comitting a major hippie sin(she found him a job)which ended badly despite the good intent ,,,she didn't speak hippie and kept compounding her errors. When she finally snapped .she had three hippies living with her....she seemed confused and upset that they were angry with her.."I only asked them to help pay rent and for grocery money" she saidShe ended up moving out and still seems upset that the hippies are angry with herfor ending the free food and crash pad
  10. @frog Ty I didn't know what "dances like a white girl" meant till I saw that gif she has no rhythm
  11. Beware of drum circles. Guaranteed hippie action going on anywhere near em.
  12. What do I do if I get caught in one of them hippy music festivals?
  13. Do not make eye contact as this maybe considered consent to join in the "free love" orgy. Pretend to be event staff gather some garbage to pull of this ruse and walk out slowly as to not attract attention
  14. Wilmers Park! Dirty hippies. Dirtiest hippies I ever seen. I couldn't find the gate for over a day.
  16. The hippie culture is basically dead and I don't think you understand what it is. I would suggest reading "The Electric Kool-aid Acid Test" by Tom Wolfe if you're interested to know what was going on in the 60's with hippies.
  17. A excellent question!I would recommend that you try to enjoy yourself and to avoid any tasty beverages or edibles offered by the hippies aka brownies ect,,I lost 3 days and woke up hog tied in a holding cell in Bremerton Wa after drinking something offered to me by a seemingly trust worthy hippie I have no idea what was in it but I tasted colors and saw musicdo not allow yourself to get swept up in hippy horde aka drum circle or hackie sack gathering as there is no Escape. Come up with a plan of egress and try to enjoy the music
  18. 1. No one asked. Lol. 2. But since your offering your expertise on hippie anthropology, culture and lore, why do hippies name their children 'strawberry, earth child, moonbeam, Stardust, etc, and such?' Thank you for your excellent insight into the hippie species.
  19. One word: patchouli. Wtf is 'up' with that? Please divulge and elaborate.