This is some thing that has had me wondering for a little while. Is their a forum topic for this or is it just a general term thrown about? Is their a semi accepted guide for over priced underpriced or just good priced allies? Any answers are much appreciated
Easiest way to tell is to compare to others your price on hired ally list, most people are overpriced now because t5 came out.
Generally, you take the ally's CS, divide by three and add 7 zeroes on to that. That should be your max price. For example, an ally with 18,000 CS should cost you, 60,000,000,000. As many have pointed out though, it's a matter of opinion. I believe my formula is used by most of the LB players, however.
Best way is to take two pricepoints, check the higher price to see what the best stats in that range are. And then shop the price range below for allies with similar or higher stats. This will push the ally into the next pricepoint, and with equal or better stats than those allies in that range they should sell quick.
I just type a price and look through as many of the hires as I can stand marking those with the best stats, then I check them for activity. Takes a while, but it works. If there is a big difference between #1 and #2 I will check next price up to see if I can afford to volley them.
Go to allie market prices n forum put in numbers listed i found they are the best allies as far as cs