Unbelievable match up system

Discussion in 'Wars' started by OnE_TiMe_WoNdEr, Jun 3, 2014.

  1. Dev, please explain how is it possible to match Mini Mooncake (4 towered attk and 7 SH) against Rising Hawks (all SH roster) in War 4. Our attk buids can only reach 3 of their SHs :shock: . The hit ratio is bad (don't talk abt the miserable plunder) :shock: :shock: .

    If you can't make a proper match up, please do not match anyhow. You should make this a no match for us. We don't mind a no match but a silly match like this is a No No :x .

    And by the way, I think there are other clans warring in KAW. We didn't sign exclusive warring contract with the great Rising Hawks clan to meet them 4 times in a row :lol: :lol: :lol: .

    One final word, please wake up :lol: cos' we know you can do better than this.
  2. That's three words not one
  3. Here's an arbitrary thought.

    Don't mix 4 attack builds with 7 SH and reduce the sh equipment

    Then you won't get RH
  4. You beat them once
  5. @Rikki, please go elsewhere to troll.

    Devs. Please review the match-up system again. Either that or reply our emails explaining how the matchup happens if YOU GUYS feel that the match-up is reasonable. No explanation no nothing with a matchup not making sense isn't exactly what you call "improvements on matchups", seems pretty superficial I would say.

    You claim you guys make changes, is that so? Seems to be going from bad to worst.

    You speak like you know the matchup so well. FYI we dont stick to a same roster, and we've been changing it in every war so I don't see how your explanation come out. Better speak with conviction
  6. But how did you beat them the one time
  7. @op

    That's because I DO KNOW THE MATCH UPS SO WELL.
  8. Rh shs have bfa and high bfe, devs count it all into the clan cs, Troll is right. The roster you're running is basically asking to be matched against all sh
  9. So changing every war roster = every war asking to be matched with RH?

    So what should we do? Advise us, mighty ones who understood the system well.

    Please guide us how to war as well
  10. I just looked and RH has a few SH that sit in their clan roster above 6 and 7 mill cs attk builds, I would say monster bfa, so the matching system probably did its job. Good luck, it will be very difficult at best.
  11. Put your damn equip on, why war for bfe then take off bfe in war? Those sh need more bfa as well
  12. Exactly Reuben!
  13. Before you're talking about bfe affecting or bfa affecting or whatever damn builds we use are affecting,


    A simple question that isnt explained when we email.

    SO WHOEVER THE HELL IS TROLLING THEIR ASS OFF HERE, I have no damn idea what your motive is because:

    1. Your explanations still doesn't explain the matchups
    2. Read OP's post, first word is addressed to DEV, not TROLLS
    3. Don't comment for the sake of commenting and acting like you know everything because if you do, why don't you help the devs in doing matchups?
    4. If you think you're cool pretending to explain something that even devs havent respond to us over, you need to think again.

    Have a nice day.
  14. @Ma_chao

    Do you really expect devs to respond? There have been dozens of identical posts without response.

    Second, how do you expect devs to see this if it isn't in active topics?

    Third, why are you posting this in public forums if you don't want our response. EMAIL.
  15. 1, quoted from the email "Please do not email us more than once for the same issue, as it will increase the time it will take to respond. We appreciate your patience and we are working hard to get back to you as soon as possible, but please note that it may take up to 24 hours to receive a reply."

    2, find me a PRIVATE forum then

    3, EMAIL? WE ALREADY DID. Are you blind or blind?
  16. I'm sorry I don't have access to your personal email account to see that you've already sent it.

    In the future I will check your sent mail before commenting.

    /end sarcasm
  17. Someone seems a little upset....
  18. They devs did attempt an explanation.
    I don't troll.
    I'm in a hurry, but here is a fast breakdown.
    If 70% of opposing rosters can hit one another, you can match, if your total CS fall into certain ranges.
    Loose a couple of your attk builds, or add a couple if mids, and you probably won't match RH.
    Their top SH, if your bottom two attk builds can hit them, would put you well within 70% hit ability. You have an impressive record, look back at your winning rosters and try to build one like that.
    As for matching RH so many times, I can't help, add an attk and drop an SH.
  19. Every clan vs RH, Who win?
  20. Sounds like you are saying rh is exploiting and your not too fond of it. Well. That could be the most hypocritical thing ever. Sure. And all sh roster is over the edge. But seriously, complain about exploits when you guys are doing 4 attack builds 7 sh??? I'd be a little more sympathetically about this if you had some mids or less sh. But no. Not with an exploit roster as your own