unaboe to hit eb!

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by It_Burns_When_I_PVP, Nov 19, 2014.

  1. Devs why are we all locked out from hitting eb…

    First you give us cruxes,
    Then you say they expire,
    Then we cant hit eb because they're active.

    This was my last golden crux and now everyone in my clan is locked and eb cant finish amd we are all losing out.
  2. Try accessing through the clan page.
  3. It says can't hit with more than one eb bonus active
  4. I haven't activated my crux chests but I am still unable to hit the eb
  5. I have crux activated and can still hit
  6. Accounts with edge and a plunder spell cant hit eb, from what ive tested on a few accounts. Why? no clue
  7. Fixed now
  8. You're unaboe to type too, apparently. Fix this ASAP!
  9. i was in a rush lol
  10. We're looking into this now.
  11. Where is meh free xstals
  12. I demand stuff. All of the stuff. And a selfie.
    Only the above will assuage my anger.
  13. Just an eb not the end of the world guys
  14. What if you used a seal (and you don't pay real money) and it would allow you to pay for multiple upgrades, I would be mad
  15. I am having a similar issue except I cant even open the new eb it just shows the old one
  16. Contact the devs and you will recieve a refund...
  17. Thanks. Idk if you guys fixed it while i was downloading the update to kaw or if the update fixed it but eithee way i still managed to get my full xtals in during crux. Thanks for responding so quickly.
  18. Oh and mods this thread can be locked now. Thanks