
Discussion in 'Wars' started by VA_VampYS_Dark_Ghost_VA, Sep 13, 2014.

  1. My last 2 wars ive been unfairly paid mith wise :(

    2 Wars ago:spent 22 and we won=5 mith payout?;)shouldnt it be 50?

    This war:spent 25 mith :)Lost:got 0 mith back?WTF devs thats bs,i want atleast 100 mith from them,thats ridiculous :(
  2. I think its how well you do in the war=mith won
  3. Mith payout is based off successful actions, how many pots burned, and mith use.
  4. Last war as 118 hits 8-3
    one before was 62 hits 4-2
    Or somethinf like that
  5. Did you use pots on all actions? I use all the pots available for every hit and I always get equal or more mith than I casted even if I lost.
  6. First point : if you win you should get mith you spent back and then done for winning

    Second point : I'm still in the believe you shouldn't get mith for losing.

    Mith pay out depends on ;

    Type of action
    Number of people you ko
    Number if times you where ko
  7. I didn't ko anyone but self koed and only had maybe 50 actions and got more mith than someone with more actions and kos
  8. Still shouldnt i get more then 5 mith from a war?