UK Labour Leadership: Magician Jeremy Corbyn

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Le-Monkey, Sep 3, 2015.

  1. Ok at the minute the Internet is dominated by the US elections (Kanye For Prez!!!) But us Britons are a bit left out. We have our weirdos in positions of power too.
    Ladies, Gentlemen and Unicorn/Alicorn rpers of KaW I give you...

    JEREMY CORBYN. Aided by his 'award winning' beard. This man will use his magic (Once Leading a labour government) to...MAKE EVERYONE EQUAL. Hmmmm it means he plans to make Britain the USSR in its last years.

    He wants to 'invest in people' by increasing spending on almost everything. Where will he get this finance?

    MAGIC. He will use his mystical powers to print infinite money...nope. He still hasnt actually said what he will cut to afford this spending.
    He probably assumes inflation only happens if cash is exposed to oxygen.

    This man is a fool. Playing on the Underclass (Working class are above the underclass, the underclass choose to live off of State Benefits) and their want for more of said benefits. Again this money will be CONJURED BY THE MYSTIC THAT IS JEREMY!!!

    In essence don't vote Corbyn. Anyone but Corbyn. Please. Do it for Capitalism.

  2. Hmmm was gonna go for Grand High Wizard Corbyn but that sounds like its affiliated with that censored 'Klan'
  3. Don't be an ass, some of the 'underclass' aren't there by choice.
  4. However, if Corbyn gets in that's the end of modern labour lol
  5. Lol The Underclass are people who CHOOSE to live of of benefits.
  6. Labour are unelectable as it is.....they are finished in Scotland and will be finished in england if jeremy gets in.

    Independance for Scotland so we can escape these tory n labour muppets
  7. SNP?
  8. So what are the people on benefits through no choice of their own? Unclassified?

    Btw, 12.2million Brits claim a state pension in the uk. That's almost %20 of the population you just classed as 'underclass'
  9. why a labour governent.... go to the freaking hospital if you are pregnant
  10. Yup
  11. Corbyn is a legit vote, just cus your parents earn 50mill a month and you want lesser off people to die doesnt mean corbyn is a lying magician
  12. He's a move towards a more historically militant labour tendency the likes of Tony Benn and Michael Foot, a huge step away from the legacy of Blair
  13. Yeah. My parents are middle class and I myself would also identify as a member of said economic group. I earn less than 40k after tax. So nope im not rich.
  14. Yeah. My parents are middle class and I myself would also identify as a member of said economic group. I earn less than 40k after tax. So nope im not rich.
  15. Rio. By underclass I mean anyone able to work choosing to live on benefits although employment for them is available. The people forced to live on benefits are members of the working class imo.
  16. And why do YOU think Corbyn is a legit vote?
  17. Ok, thanks for clarifying lol.

    I tend not to vote based on party principles or manifestos, they generally turn out about as reliable as a chocolate teapot.

    For me, a prime minister doesn't have to be highly educated (that's what the cabinet and advisors are for right) he/she has to be charismatic, passionate, believable and first an for most honest. I don't see anyone other than maybe boris johnson that comes remotely close to that.

    Jeremy Corbyn? I'm sorry, but he's far too old and far too scruffy looking to run a country.
  18. All the UK is good for is fish and chips.

    Please enlighten me on your favorite foods.
  19. Yep. Borris would be a great pm. And hes a right winger but not so far right that he is British Trump.