UK Browsing Surveillance Bill

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PipeBomb, Nov 4, 2015.

  1. Theresa May's new surveillance bill has been passed.

    (ALL your browsing data will be stored for 12 months based on IP address)
    What are your thoughts on this?

    Completely unnecessary? A necessary evil?
  2. They are watching me post this (paranoia :D)
  3. Don't care
    My browsing is nothing I don't want the government to know
    So why would I?
    The only ones with reasons to be against this are criminals, and do we really care what they think?
  4. Your local police officer will know what...special videos out watch...
  5. I'm a computer noob, will changing my phone's DNS settings have any effect?
  6. This is dependant on IP address as far as I'm aware. So perhaps.
  7. They're more than welcome to ;) I get all the best ones
  8. One thing I don't know is whether or not it is the browsing data from the past year or from the implementation of the Bill onwards. I'm sure most telecom companies don't keep that data for too long.
  9. Invest in burn phones and internet cafes lol
  10. Feel sorry for the people into the funky 
  11. The next step in the British government infringing on the citizens rights. Good thing they can't defend themselves now, right?
  12. What infringements might they be?
    And tbh there's a lot of idiots here (uk) that don't deserve any rights
    People who have never had a job and just claim off the state
    The feminazis and male equal (idk, sexists I guess)
    Pretty much all of tumblr

    Just get a common sense test and if u fail you get less rights 
  13. Why do we need them 
  14. I can see the benefits of such a system...a couple of benefits...OK there aren't many, too many cons this Bill like basic privacy, which most people should be entitled to.
  15. I'm sorry but mate why do you need it?
    From mates fair enough u might want to hide your affair with your secretary
    But the government doesn't give a crap they aren't gonna phone your wife "Michael is sleeping with Jessica from accounts" are they. If you've nothing to hide why do you need privacy from those trying to protect you?
  16. Yeah I know. Its just makes me uneasy that the government will know EVERY site I visit... My secret life as a Daily male reader is over!!! :(
  17. Why should the government have the right to know everything you're doing? Just because you aren't breaking the law doesn't mean you aren't entitled to privacy.
  18. And by the way eggsy your ally Nova kept asking me to rp...weird as hell...and you seem pretty possessive judging from your banner :D
  19. If you've got nothing to hide this won't change your lifestyle atall  even if it catches one murderer or terrorist it's a success

    @pipe - any le proof of that? I'd love to [explete apparently] her off with it 