uaepower agnist ZAFT

Discussion in 'Wars' started by uaepower, Jan 21, 2013.

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  1. I just said respect to apoc in one of the topic then i was set as perm farm from zaft....
    Zaft said we rule with respect but ot seem they are lieing , if you want war with me u shal have it. I will be hitting yours member as much as i can. I will xstal for hitting zaft...
  2. And we should care about this why?
  3. This just show how stupid they are, for just saying respect to apoc is resone to be perm farm??? Let them grow childeren of zaft
  4. Ill give him one day
  5. Sorry u already lost i will not stop untel the stupid hardbringer of wrath saying sorry to me...
  6. what a waste of life..
  7. And you felt the need to tell us why? By the way, are you saying they took the time off their osw to farm you? Please go crawl back in your hole and keep the useless threads in your little head
  8. Lmao. I'm pming my attacker now..seems our story's are similar :lol: :roll:
  9. Blackphx.

    I dont want you to do anything and i didnt force you to read this... I just want to prove that i didnt do anything to let zaft farm me, and because of that i will keep up with them to see what they can do.
  10. Engrish?
  11. It was in AT so I read it thinking " hmm what could this be" nothing good it turns out, I just don't see a need to be making threads like this, there's too many people trying to get kaw famous and they usually get humiliated. Are you next? Perhaps, I don't know, I guess we shall see
  12. On a more important note. I'm so little and I just bought my biggest ally ever yesterday, so now I'm the strongest.
  13. Vengeful english is not my first or second language.


    Iam not after being famous or something and i didnt mean that. Is just want to make sure that zaft agree about those nonesens. I said my opnion and i become perm farm?? Common
  14. Apocalypse all the way ! 
  15. Uaepower what you don't understand is no one needs a reason to farm anyone, also I rarely use the term farming as it's a war game I just attack a lot of players, you say ZAFT hides behind their numbers I say they use team work, ZAFT is one of the biggest war clans for a reason, they win wars.

    That being said why are you trying to talk yo me in pm? What are you trying to hide from? Begging me to stop hitting you? Maybe you should step out of the shadows of your own pride before judging another, say what you have to say here or on my wall otherwise you're hiding behind a false sense of pride in what you're doing.
  16. Not that my win/lose record is stellar or even respectable really  but I'm not the one calling out ZAFT. Your win/lose on the other hand uaepower is downright pathetic. Do you even know how to war? Are any of your losses even from a pvp? I'm thinking all your losses came from some terrifying ghosties lol. You'll be crying in less than a day. Good luck!
  17. Things like this, are a waste of an AT space
  18. Are you..? MAD!?!? :p
  19. I like cupcakes
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