Twin path events and their fairness

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by Kezzer, Apr 10, 2015.

  1. The issue

    There is plenty of debate as to whether or not these twin path events are really in the favour of the community or the devs. The main issues so far arise from these differences listed below.


    PvE in general is easier, less time consuming and doesn't stunt your growth. Yes it requires time and commitment to do well in this side but it has next to no downside except that you need to do b2b hte to do well overall but even then players can still easily get decent rewards for doing next to nothing.


    PvP is more demanding overall as it requires more constant work to do well in this area. It's more time consuming, more costly and takes a lot of patience to find decent targets whereas PvE is pretty much guaranteed to be HTE. Not only is the PvP side more difficult but to do well too you generally need to spend money/have people in your clan cast pleas or the equivilant of it to stand a decent chance so any eb fairies stating that PvP is the cheap way out if mistaken.

    These differences overall mean that PvE is the better side to do for the event as they stand currently as the equipment is currently the same on both sides (although better equipment was one of the reasons people used to do wars initially.)

    On top of these issues devs need to reconsider the length of these events because 2 weeks might be a great length of time for the PvE side but in PvP it just is too damn long. Seriously 1 week of constant PvP is enough and you feel drained from it.


    I personally think reducing the event to 1 week would be a great start however the devs also need to consider buffing the PvP side of the events rewards. They fight the hardest for the equipment and they deserve to be rewarded as such. They sacrifice more gold and time to succeed whereas the PvE mainly requires HTE and xtals. Yes we get this is a business and you need money but seriously the community is where you make you money, work with them not against them.

    If you feel I need to clarify any points just mention it below and I will respond to it ASAP.
  3. Also...agreed!!
  4. 2 weeks is a long time, but lots of us has been in osw for many months.

    The community needs a 2 week eb B)

    Edit: Psssh 2 weeks for this event is way too long!! 5 days tops. lol.
  5. Love it kezzer. Yeah, this is my first event, and I wanted to do it exclusively with pvp, proving to be quite the challenge. Nerfing and buffing is definitely necessary.
  6. Support

    i don't understand why pvp and pve get pretty much the same rewards, if we want to encourage pvp why do we provide an easier path to rewards with pve
  7. Exactly we get a lot more PvE events than we get PvP events. PvE events everyone is forced into taking part (kinda) whereas in PvP events you get the choice. This isn't as much of an issue until I enlighten you.

    PvE builds will generally do better in PvE events as that is what their build is made for whereas the PvP builds will generally fall behind. In PvP the PvP builds have the advantage but just remember that most PvE builds won't take part and will go PvE hence not allowing the PvP builds the chance to dominate an event.

    This overall shows a favouritism towards PvE builds when it comes to events and this actually kinda sucks.
  8. Support, Eb fairies only need to get on once an hour to unload daily. But those who opted in for PvP have to be online at 3-4 times an hour to make decent progress
  9. I hope the devs and kc see this and actually take note of community opinions.
  10. support 2 weeks is to damn long! One week is almost perfect
  11. Fully support 1000% pve get to grow and pvp get to stop their growth to get maybe the same thing as pve............... Logic
  12. 463m each Attack with sword n 215m steal
    LB is a race on both sides not comparable
    No sword for PvE either.

    Growth not hurtin...
    2600 Warworn 1st day no Xtals

    Better facts GL
  13. PVP event is easier and more fun, but pots cost too much. Finding targets is easy.
    PVE event makes you money.
  14. I think growing is easier for larger players in this... I barely make enough per steal to cover pots. 40m first steal and over 100mil of pots per hit.
  15. It's easy either way you play it.

    Of course whoever spends the most will do better, but that is always the case and pretty much the point of an app with in-app purchases.
  16. Ive noticed in all pvp events spies have a more steady payout of event items shards ect. I could full bar att a guy and get maybe 3 event drops. But I could use my spies for steals and get 7-8 event drops per bar. So hawk of course you can still grow using troops on ebs and spies on pvp . And yes payout is decent in pvp with sword even more so, but there no ending bonus and you use pots. So it does stunt growth in pvp not even a argument unless your a ps or hansel. I agree also that equip should differ from pvp to pve for obvious reasons already stated.alot of people equip hunt I think if devs made pvp equip better then people wouldn't mind the tradeoff in loss of plunder. I also failed to mention you recieve inc also in pvp which decreases plunder . If you bank to avoid inc you lose plunder. All in all pvp plunder killer in hawk maybe you should really anylize the situation.
  17. Didn't she say she made 460m per ATTACK? Easy to stay on for a few hours make bills and bank it. No need to stay on for hours apon hours. The rewards will come easily for hansels if hitting another hansel .
  18. what he said...what a nice boy n reads

    Analyze nothing read the FACTS...BFA
    no pots so I disagree PHOOKA also in OSW n rarely get inc from either.
    Over 10b/hr