twas the night before a failed strip

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SINllllllIIIIIlllXlll, Jan 30, 2016.

  1. Twas the night before a failed strip and all through the house not a creature was stirring ...
    Not even a mouse

    My allies were snuggling up in their bed
    Thoughts of never growing in their heads

    Momma had her protein and I had a beer and I had just settled down for a long nightly nap

    When up in my newsfeed arose such a clatter

    I winked at my iPad that this was nothing to matter

    I reached to the iPad like a flash
    Silver bars and new allies appeared In a dash

    The steals on me looked like pee on new fallen snow

    Ally hire bonus outweighing their own damage

    When what to my wondering eye did appear
    But a bumbling fool with gold to spend here

    With his little old spies so slow and lathargic
    I knew in a moment it must be a failed strip

    Slower than molasses and honey they came

    And he whistled and shouted and called my allies by name

    Now inactive now reset bomb. Now stateless alt and horrible build

    On overpriced on overvolleyed on useless and drop him

    Now dash away dash away dash away all

    So up to the housetops my allies they flew

    With hopes of a strip and the failed stripper who need not be named

    And then in the twinkling I heard on the roof the prancing and pawing of each little foot

    As I clicked hire over and over down the chimney they came with a bound

    They were all terrible in stats but gave max plunder the same

    They looked like a bunch of drunk kids who never kaw-d at all

    Their eyes how they twinkled
    Their cheeks so merry
    A new owner they had
    But for how long would they last

    As I grabbed my beer and laughed at the fail I look over my new allies and spent the rest on silver and bronze bars

    I've gone off the script as this poem is a lot longer than I can remember

    I'm not even rhyming at this point all the same it doesn't matter

    The point has been made

    My allies have no fear even though the failed stripper still always near

    As he flew away thinking success i peed in the toilet and let out a good laugh that I'll see you in a few hours.

    Merry failed strip to me and to my allies goodbye
  2. Did I see this like 10 minutes ago?
  3. First half was good then I stopped reading
  4. Wow I'm so glad I can't readî„…
  5. have one mp ally

  6. smh....sigh you always were a dumb one
  7. Pretty good! Support
  8. Poetic or poetic justice , who knows ??