TVP no match exploid

Discussion in 'Wars' started by MP__II_S0uL_II__, Nov 23, 2013.

  1. TVP mith drops are exploid which should be Fixed following: instead of random 0-15 mith rewards should be mith drop based on war mith used .... it means you used 0 mith in war then you get 0 mith in TVP; if you used 20 mith then drop could be 0-20 mith random.

    Only good point of current 0-15 mith drop for all is that more clans join wars and if they get matchup then more wars here...
  2. And if you get a no match?
  3. Seems you only covered losses, not no match conditions.
  4. for no match easy ... TVP plunder like Haunting Escape
  5. Who casts Mith spells before matchup?
  6. @moon- was just thinking that... Then i realised OP was talking about the clans that deliberately fail wars to do tvp... o_O it's an exploit in a sense but it's got so many downsides that it's really not... I mean firstly- end of season rewards are far more powerful and the eb equipment matches the mith equip anyway o_O
  7. No match shouldent even get mithiril in my eyes. Devs were just compensating the whineing.
  8. getting back from tvp only what you invested in the war seems live a very very good idea. I like it! 
  9. There should not be a TVP, war system should address Mith rewards for loosers as it does winners automatically. It's an exclusive EB that wastes everyone's time and excludes non warring clan members
  10. Clumsy

    on point there.
  11. Great, ask devs to take something else out/away from others in the game that doesn't even affect you. Why? Cause you love seeing people filling the forums and wc with tears? Who cares if a couple of small clans purposely lose wars or get no matches for TVP? Real war clans call TVP "the loser eb" and the drops from TVP are small, 11-14 mith max. That's a lot of TVP to try and get mith eq. I don't think this is so widespread that EE is going to potentially die out for clans that intentionally get TVP.
  12. who cares If people are being exploitive? Wow. I'm glad you don't have the devs ear.

    Lts do some some simple math. Lets say there are 3 wars a day 4 days a week. That gives you a total of 12 wars. You can, if you cast WOC and then tune out, get roughly 144 bars if mith per week, which comes out to roughly 6oo bars of mith per month.

    That is substantial. I would rather see mith just sold wholesale, as opposed to giving it away for free to people who don't war.
  13. Wholesale hmmm
  14. No support! Mith isn't even calculated into war without a matchup, an any clan headed into EE with little to no mith is expecting to loose for free mith from tvd an thus actions should be made to ensure they fail!!!
  15. So with the new hit caps for GH, won't it be reasonable to assume that a GH clan would receive a no Match more often? Meaning an "exploit" build will easily be able to exploit TVD?
  16. I fully support clans that use wars just to farm the mith. Why you may ask.... well.... here's my views:

    1) it's an easy victory
    2) it boosts clan moral after giving another clan a good beating
    3) it enables a clan to work on strategy
    4) it gives good war training
    5) it encourages new clans to join wars if they know a good chance of matching a clan that Don't wanna fight back
    6) quick way to earn mith...

    Obviously not good if you actually want to war... but throwing in a few easy matches is good in my book.
  17. My point moose is that it's getting old how many posts there are with people saying to take this or that away from the game because everyone seems to be worried about a dreaded "exploit" somewhere. It's just ridiculous. How about people worry about themselves and their clan, maybe suggest more improvements, instead of looking for ways to make the game more restrictive?
  18. Devs already said they are considering this. Just chill, they will think of somthing
  19. It's such a small exploit :|
  20. TVP for no match was added early this year, sometime in March or April I think because there were
    so many no matches. It was added based on a poll, and the majority at the time voted for it. I can't find the actual thread, but below is the one that went up when it was first introduced. Notice it says that devs monitor for exploits and take action accordingly.
