*This is fan fictional and serves no purpose. Just reading material. Turn back now. *I could have posted this on the 14th, but, I am a HUGE procrastinator and most likely would have not done it. By posting this today, while motivated to do so, I will be self-obligated to finish the first chapter on the 14th. Active Mango - (As Krystyan) Overseer of the Kawlonies. UnicornPoopCookie - (As Malato) Oversees the aHistan Province. Wulf - (As Conrad) Leader of the Valiant Knights and overseer of the Ostreca and Soaca Province. Missing in action SlayerBob - (As Bob) Oversees the Cestan and Adrzington Province. PandaGeorge - (As George the Panda) Oversees The Middle Kingdom and Askistan Province. Rebel - (As Eleanor) Oversees the Tecia Province. Swabia - (As Swabia) Oversees the Duvania Province. Avatar - (As Avatar) Roams over all the lands. Alliances and Kingdoms Anary (As WDGAF) = Ran by a council - Ostreca ZAFT (As ZAFT) = Ran by a council - Duvania Zorus (As Apocalypse) = Ran by a council - Tecia Quvania (As Uc) = Ran by a council - aHistan Sunga (As oG) = Ran by a council - Cestan EgaWen (New Age) = Ran by a council - Pera Adrzington (As Yafi) = Ran by a council - Teoasal Vegro (As Foxes) = Ran by a council - Askistan Eldrela (As iG) = Ran by a council - Soaca Story At the time, the invasion seemed straight forward. Have enough soldiers to besiege Konta and force her defenders to shut the gates to the economic giant. Then, march another army to attack the reserve army that only a handful knew about. When the invaders got repulsed, they fled. After getting my hands on the after action report, it became clear that their motives were far more in depth than we initially thought. Two major cities, iTol and Sakatu, was first sacked, then set ablaze. Those that managed to flee the attackers that frightening night have nothing but the clothes on their backs and the little coin they've managed to scrape upon the trial. The large, thought to be nearly invincible, city of Konta was taken in a matter of days, not the predicted months. Her very identity, her walls, were destroyed by one female mage, leaving thousands at risk. I’m sure strategists are working day and night trying to figure out how in the hell did that happened. In the wake of the, VK dubbed, “Barbarian crisis” people began to question the VK’s ability to maintain order throughout Quelle, not, who or what caused the problem to begin with. The nations of Quelle sent their best troops to be in the Lacerta armies. Well, guess who the barbarians decided to kill, even though the city was surrendered to them? The Valiant Knights can no longer rely on mutually assured annihilation to keep Quelle stable. The old era is gone and it's time for new Valiant Knights. Willy Harrian Atropos Moody Sean AJ People and clans set to make an appearnce All VKs. (One way or another.) Rusted_Knight_Of_Serenity Karma Alaissa Lord-Sora Rikki Toxic LovelyDenial And a handful more. I can't remember all of whom I'm adding. *Do note, I need permission to add you. A new map!
I better see myself in here AJ! If you need me to help write again, I'll be glad. Summer is boring so far
As long as I'm indubitably the best looking and most cunning character, I suppose you may use my likeness. Those are my terms. Make me(more) famous AJ, my public awaits.
It's going to be interesting to see the portrayal of each new character and see who else will be involved I can see there being some interesting twists along the way.
Plot twist; it turns out Sean is actually an evil robot who merely pretends to be happy to fool us all. He kills everyone and takes over the world...