You build Turtle Refugees, costing each 25,000. You level them up to level 4, and you now have an income of 54 turtles per hour.
You build one stable build 1 guild then u just build def towers and u keep the guild and stable at lvl 1
Ok guys stop trolling the noob. It's basically a build where you have a least 20 towers of atk or spy.
Turtle build has over double the defends stats when compared to attack. Could be in spy stats or attack stars.
The build I mentioned if it has 0 gold out cannot be hit with attacks, meaning you HAVE to be scouted to get your troops down. With the 5m spy defence, (3m if 0 spies), full SDP, Ok BFA, and mith I doubt anyone will be able to assass your troops down as they will fail most, if not all hits. You could take out the troop towers and add a bit more Volarys or SDT if you wanted. Allot like Ryan and rocket in YAFI.
Ummm obviously..? It would come down to ally trading, haunting item phase and nobbing. Some people drop the build altogether when a new tier comes out, and build guilds to get plunder again.