Turkey Coup

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Centurion, Jul 15, 2016.

  1. Reports coming through of a military takeover. Military claims control of entire country, government has denied it. Tanks and jets seen in Ankara, bridges closed off by military personnel.

  2. Not a fan of the president of turkey. Not a fan of military take overs.
  3. Inb4thisnoobhitsmymembers^

  4. Inb4 putin nukes turkey.
    Because they were too chicken to 1v1 him, so they shot down his jets.
    Now he has beef with them.
  5. Last time this happened was during the Cold War.

    As a military takeover is sort-of against NATO's code of conduct for membership does that mean that Turkey will be kicked out this time? I doubt it.
  6. Government will likely take back power, rebelling military personnel are surrendering to unarmed civilian protestors
  7. I Turkey's president is going for dictatorship.army also dictator so no difference
  8. There is a large difference between a military coup that happens in Turkey and one that happens probably anywhere else.
  9. What happened was a "false flag".. Erdrogen more than likely was behind the "coup" and is now using it as an excuse to get rid of everyone that opposes his views; judges, military leaders, etc..

    This is the end of a secular Turkey and very well could be the rebirth of the Ottoman Empire, it's going to be interesting to watch how this all plays out..
  10. [title=navy+grey]N'ragmar[/title]
  11. Chickens usually go in a coop not turkeys
  12. Generally speaking a military coup is a bad thing. But in Turkey is a bit different. The army is considered the guardian of the Constitution. A secular constitution unlike the Islamic state Erdogan is heading to. And about Turkey being a NATO country nothing will happen. This was the 7th military coup since Turkey joined NATO. Nothing happened in the past, nothing will happen this time.
  13. We all know the real leader...

  14. We both know i am the one behind all the coup