First thanks for taking time to read this thread. Now this thread was created to discuss the several Executive orders Trump has issued such as the removal of The Affordable Healthcare act (aka Obamacare) which has left millions without healthcare and a Harvard study determined roughly 43k people will die annually (each year) because of the removal, Next is the reopening of the two oil pipelines that native tribes have protested because they are on sacred burial sites also the pipelines are responsible for polluting the well water of surrounding townspeople houses, Lastly the hiring freeze of government workers including funding to veteran affairs (most vets rely on that money and any American imo should worry about the Vets) Again thank you very much for taking time to read this expecially if you saw my other thread about the White House's website
This is towards the "Hiring Freeze" "For one thing, the document—officially a presidential memorandum, not an executive order—includes large holes. It exempts all military personnel, which makes up over a third of total government employment. It also exempts jobs deemed “necessary to meet national security or public safety responsibilities,” without specifying what they are. And broadly speaking the president just doesn’t have the power to make big changes in the federal work force." Do a little more research before trying to spread propaganda. I really hope hey add Saudi Arabi,Qatar and U.A.E to the ban list for immigration.
Well I may have to check if the hiring freeze was an executive order or not I know the other two are but besides that why do you think that Saudi Arabia, Qatar and the UAE should be banned and don't use the "Muslim" excuse because not all Muslims are terrorists and those nations were some of the first to fight ISIS if anything we shouldn't ban them Also it's not propaganda it's just a reflection of what Trump has done so far with the executive order which he called unconstitutional yet he is on the track to issue more in 100 days then Obama did in 8 years Now propaganda would be denying the scientists to be allow to release discoveries without a governmental filter like Trump has done
Didn't even bother to read. Provide sources and maybe I'll read over it. FYI, liberal news stations such as CNN do not count as a reliable source snowflake.
Lol ok coming from a person with the name of a man who needs reassurance of his presidency and inauguration size every few days and I'm the snowflake
I really hope hey add Saudi Arabi,Qatar and U.A.E to the ban list for immigration.[/quote] Won't these countries give up their oil reserves for The Donald? Maybe Qatar has so called "WMD" there...time to invade
Won't these countries give up their oil reserves for The Donald? Maybe Qatar has so called "WMD" there...time to invade[/quote] Lol ikr people don't understand it's not as simple as just ban them and be done with it their are consequences to every action
It's always a matter of priorities and what's important to one person over another. For all of the stuff you're posting with the clearly veiled liberal slant, I assume those are really important things to you. I notice you fail to say anything about the recent bump in stock markets, increase in consumer confidence, large increase in business investing, change of plans by major corporations to build factories in the USA instead of out of country, etc. I'm guessing those things aren't important to you. However, to some, those things are WAY more important than the stuff you have listed. Just remember, there's two sides to everything and just because you think something is right or the most important, doesn't make it so.
You don't know yet how replacing ACA will affect people. So far you are probably going by propaganda news outlets for those stats you have.
I would be concerned about a muzzle on scientists. That happened in Canada under the last government. It was bad and allowed the government to make up facts without the science speaking out against them. I work with those scientists. And it was more than just environmental science. Decisions were being name around offender management that were against all validated research. Basically government was creating policy that directly increased reoffending rates amoung those convicted. Policy was political and not factual. Trump is doing the same thing, but on a large and broad scale. I fear for everyone right now
This thread as stated at the beginning was created to discuss the executive orders made by Trump (that he said are unconstitutional for any president to use) but I mean I necessarily wouldn't call myself a liberal I'm a person who wants equality for all people and for Vets to be taken care for also the government not polluting people's drinking water is good as well If that makes me a liberal well I have a question for you what does a conservative want to happen? (Granted I took a quiz awhile ago like 3 hours ago and it was to find out how liberal or conservative I am and I answered it truthfully and I got "extremely liberal" and it said the same thing I said about equality still I don't classify myself as a liberal because it's a generalized group)
I think the curse with all of these types of discussions is that people treat it as one or the other. It's not like conservatives want to harm people, ruin the environment, and see people die. Being a normal kind person does not make you a liberal. However, like I said, it's priorities. The pipeline thing is a good example. Which is more important to you, the rights of native americans and their burial grounds, or cheaper gas, less dependence on foreign oil, and increase economic success? Ideally you'd like to choose both. That's what should be worked for. But if you can't make both vote is pro-pipeline and make it the least invasive (and least polluting) as possible.
Laughing at the fact you said they Saudi Arabia is fighting ISIS when they are funding them. Have you ever read a school book from Saudi Arabia? The UN had to step in and tell them to remove things from that because they couldn't teach children to behead infidels. They only removed the most violent things in the books yet still left a few. What they also did is they don't give those books to the children in within the country anymore. They ship them out to other countries. For example the books teach that Shia Muslims are blasphemers and should be punished until no more and to fight them in the name of Islam. It says the same for Christian's and Jews. See you don't have to be a terrorist to be bad. If you teach these ideologist to people who later go out and act them you are just as bad. If you know your neighbor,brother,cousin, or even HUSBAND is going to kill innocent people and become a terrorist yet you don't tell anyone you are just as bad. I'm guessing you think that the wife's of a terrorist is innocent right? If you do I'll bet $100 you also say "not all *****" are terrorist right? Only a small percent? With a population of over 1.6Billion. 1% is 1.6million now factor in their family members that know what they are up to and don't say anything. That's a lot of people
Anyway, no matter how much proof I provide chances are your opinion won't change. You will stick to the ideology that you can not label a whole group of people as one thing which is morally correct however being morally correct is not what will keep you and your family alive and well. We shouldn't sacrifice national security for political correctness and morals. Specially when there's no real way to distinguish the enemy and civilian. May you one day understand. Until then Come hell or high water if they want some they get the home damn thing!