Troop Defense Towers--A Good Idea?

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by IlI_Wrath-AwaKeneD_IlI, Mar 26, 2013.

  1. I have searched the forums and read the few posts that discuss troop defense towers as opposed to SDT. I am considering whether or not to build some troop defense towers for the Rancor Season Wars and EE wars in general and am hoping for your thoughts. Also, I know this would decrease plunder but I don't mind. The account I would make the change to currently has the following stats:

    Atk: 2,379,892
    Def: 2,318,460
    SAtk: 2,008,880
    SDef: 3,938,192 The Account is also ranked in top 500 on BFA lb.

    Was considering making the following build change:
    Atk: 2,045,926
    Def: 3,037,699 (probably equivalent to about 50mil def bonus-essentially another Black Death Pot)
    SAtk: 2,008,880
    SDef: 3,938,192

    This would provide me with 1mil static troop defense.

    So the first and easiest question, when an opponent assassinates is that damage absorbed by your spy defense only or also by your troop defense? My current spy defense towers and bfa stop many assassinations, but want to know if troop defense towers would also help.

    Second, has anyone warred against another player, or do u currently have, defense towers? If so, what benefit did you see?

    I know they will obviously help stop attacks, but if I'm coming out of KO and another player atks me will it make much of a difference (i.e. will it make a big difference on his chance of success, or too little to be worth building the towers)?

    Finally, and please only thoughtful answers, would it be better to not build troop defense towers and instead place SDT and bump spy stats? Stats would be as follows:

    Atk: 2,379,892
    Def: 2,318,460
    SAtk: 2,290,360
    SDef: 4,901,752

    I would like to be very difficult to KO, but also hate being a primary target for larger players because they see my low troop defense and think it will be an easy win and good payout. Thoughts? and I appreciate everyone who takes the time to actually read through this and provides feedback.
  2. Idk but I'm interested in hearing the andwers
  3. Use deffensive attack builds and focus on spy deffence so they can't assassinate you to ko?
  4. Defense towers are static. So their strength doesn't deplete as your troops do, remaining strong even when your troop/spies are low.

    I'm for troop and spy defense towers, just to be a pain in the ass.
  5. Wouldn't it make the plunder per hit an attack build makes on you higher?
  6. Depends if you're willing to sacrifice attack strength. But I guess you could make up for it through bfa.

    Do some ally shuffling. Buy more attack builds. What the heck give it a shot!!! 
  7. I would sacrifice some attack for spy defense and some spy for spy defense as well if you cannot be assassinated or scouted i have seen such a build 1 mill spy attack 7 mill spy defense 500k attack and defense great war build if thats what your going for with enough bfa and equipment you can hit anybody
  8. Last build is the best.
  9. Let allies be your defense towers and let spy defense towers be your ally protectors, that's how I've always thought about it.
  10. Only advantage would really be if you could get a whole clan of smalls to do it. If enemy can't get plunder you win.... Lol lots of adjustments but its interesting
  11. Hoping to see someone on this post who is in favor of the troop defense towers because they have tried it. We all know that spy defense towers are excellent in ee wars. But I haven't seen many troop defense towers. Curious to hear their response.
  12. Ty for your opinions so far. Still hoping for additional opinions.
  13. Build defense heavy and spy towers. I like it! plus helps plunder loss from the spy towers
  14. I think you need to raise attack and lower spy. Big BFA it won't matter with the def towers.
  15. That's a large investment compared to building it...
  16. Anyone with troop defense towers that can weigh in?
  17. Wrath look at 4S-Interpool theres someone with defense towers

    Also look at the player lil_mony now that's a beast build 
  18. Thanks Doggy, I'll reach out to Interpol and hopefully get some insight after speaking with someone who actually has tried using troop defense towers.