-troll- im apolgize

Discussion in 'Wars' started by __Just__Push__It__In__________, Nov 9, 2014.

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  1. Im sorry u pick on smaller builds and im sorry that my stupidty responded to you ok ? Now leave me alone
  2. CF not accepted. Happy Kawing.
  3. Hahahahhaha nice one troll
  4. :lol:
  5. The point of sh is/was to hit larger builds for good gold while not paying much if you got hit. So op, whats wrong with larger build hitting you?
  6. lolllllll
  7. Maybe this guy needs to ask Terra how to write an apology thread. 

  9. Lmao. Hilarious. Just 5mins ago, this guy was bad mouthing troll lmao.
  10. magic aka maniac aka deva barcode aka all the other names you have been an inactive SH in wars- you allready have seen a kotfe CA once - i suggest you stop mouthing kotfe members off in future or you will be back in CA again

    and i dont care what size you are 
  11. No support to crybabies
  12. Hello apolgize. I'm Saturn
  13. Do you even apology thread brah?
  14. Lol kick his ass, Troll. If you're gonna cry about a bigger build hitting you, find another game to play.
  15. I see what you did there :lol:
  16. Anyone else notice the incorrect grammar in the thread title?

  17. No. Only Noobs worry about such things
  18. Silence noob.
  19. Accepted
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