triple drops

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by High_five_ghost, Nov 3, 2013.

  1. It annoys me how over the summer we had 3x or 2x gold and only 2x drop ebs i think for Christmas every equip eb should be 3x the drop 2x the gold gives noobs a chance to.get equip they want
  2. Wat do u guys think about this
  3. I agree with your statement all the way
  4. More information please. I don't really understand.
  5. Th ideas is that on Christmas day or day before Christmas every equip eb would have 3x the drops on equip aqua inferno seals horns all that it would be a one day thing so u couldn't abuse it the non equip ebs would be 2-3x the gold for people who can't hit the bigger ebs
  6. Great idea, definitely support this. It would be nice to have way better odds to get equipment instead of the typical 3x/2x gold.
  7. the devs probly would say no on this