If A=B and B=C then A=C right? Well Jesus walked on water Watermelon is 84% Water I can walk on Watermelons Does that mean I'm 84% Jesus?
Don't believe me? Jesus walked on water Cucumbers are 94% water I can walk on cucumbers I must be 94% Jesus?
If the definition of Insane is repeating the same process multiple times and hoping for differing results, does that not make anyone who prays insane?
Did you learn this in transit? I have no idea what I'm talking about, but I can't even see you soon enough for you and your friends are so cute I can't even see you soon enough for you and your friends are like the fact way new update one day is of a sudden good new update to is. Praise Jeebus.
Let A=Jesus Let B=Water Let C=Watermelon By saying A=C, you are stating that Jesus=Watermelon. You are not watermelon, therefore you are not Jesus