Transitional + other random things

Discussion in 'Fan Fiction' started by UPRK_Gen, Nov 30, 2011.

  1. Transitional

    Step into function
    Breathing patterns of normalcy
    As simultaneous thoughts
    Set your place
    At the table
    We sit
    We laugh
    And when all else fails
    We cry
    Give me more
    Serve me a big pile of nothing
    With a side of regret
    Your breath reveals messages
    Written on the nape
    Of my neck
    As the pain sets in


    Life is painful
    we all constantly hate it.
    it throws us around
    without apology;

    It gives us things we don't want,
    tears out the inside
    of the deepest part of our souls
    without warning;

    And it teaches us.
    it gives beautiful opportunities
    and the chances for love and joy,
    without fail.

    troll away if you want, i honestly couldnt care less :)
  2. Re: Transitional other random things

    Not bad...
    Not bad at all...
  3. thanks, this is just random things I've written during my depressive episodes, I found a cache of random musings and poems
  4. In Passing

    Like the cool morning air
    You moved in softly
    Awakening my senses
    billowing like the fog
    blocking the sun

    you approached
    with my silent song
    vibrations pounding through the air
    like drums of war
    I called you

    with your young heart
    and disingenuous gaze
    burning through my bones
    deep down

    with your fanciful stories and absolutes
    calling back to me
    in code
    clasping hands
    in prayer
    eyes forward
    closer still

    with your worth and your wares
    peddling them like trinkets in the market
    selling it
    giving it away

    And i listen foolishly
    like a mute lark
    singing my silent song
    again and again
  5. im guessing bipolar from the way you said depressive episode... a lot of the good people seem to be anyway o.0