trading 1 aqua for 3 inferno?

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Rico_Chicho, Oct 19, 2013.

  1. So me and my brother both play this game,and he keeps getting aqua and i keep getting inferno .so me and him decided to make a forum on this.Our idea was to implement a trading thing in the oracle where you can search someones name and hit request trade.
    We decided that like 1 aqua was worth 3 inferno or 3 inferno for 1 aqua, but i think it should be limited to 1 trade a day so it doesn't get to crazy.
  2. Not a bad idea Kit. However, due to multiple alts in this game feeding mains, maybe a more plausible idea is to have mage offer a trade. 3 for 1 is an interesting idea.
  3. thats why i said 1 time a day and i meant to put per an account.
  4. Good idea. I like the limiting factor.
  5. Nice idea. I like what you said and I like the limit