Trade Ally Home

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by ELITE_of_the_ELITE, Jul 30, 2013.

  1. If you have allies for sale reply and see if people buy your allies just thought I would start a new one

    I have allies ranging from 100 mil to 4.6 bill on sale
  2. I have an inactive, way overpriced, 25 bil ally. check it out!
  3. Tell it how it is! Lol
  4. All my allies always for sale, check 'em out they fly by quick.
  5. I got a 1 mil cs ally worth 37 b for n e 1 willin to take em off my hands
  6. I have a active three bil ally
  7. Mmmm bump! Cause I want that ally bought
  8. I have a 3.2mcs 130B ally for sale, really need it bought
  9. Buy my allies!
  10. I have a active 76b ally.

    Yesterday he reached 4 highlands, he is now swapping lowlands for t4. He has 1.3m cs and is growing very quickly.
  11. How many of these threads do we need?
  12. I have two actual active allies. 105 and 145 bil..
    only ones I got take if you want
  13. My shop rigt now is 44b and under all active.
  14. Hey guys, I found an awesome glitch!

    If you click 'hire' on 'push--' profile, I get a FREE 105mil gold!

    Try it now!
  15. Good stat 100 bill ally