Towers in wars?

Discussion in 'Questions/Feedback' started by StrippedHanselsCantSayNo, Feb 12, 2015.

  1. In wars, do towers only come into effect when you are lower than the amount of towers you have? like if you are 10/14m attack stats and your reg buildings are equal on both sides. do the towers only keep you above 4m when you get lower than 4m? if you understand please answer thank you
  2. Towers will come into affect no matter what some will hide towers when being a attack build
  3. Towers are always in effect
  4. Towers are static, and don't scale with troop/spy levels. So if you have 10m spy attack, 14m spy defense, your spy defense will never fall below 4m.
  5. Towers are static. That means no matter your other stats you'll always have that amount in defense.

    So if you were 10m/14m Cs and had 50% troops, you'd be as strong as a 5m/9m attack build.

    If you were 10m/14m Cs and had 25% troops you'd be as strong as a 2.5m/6.5m attack build.

  6. yeah thats what i meant
  7. Blinks slowly. Rubs eyes. Re-reads. Rubs eyes again in disbelief.

    Troll gives helpful, accurate answer?!?!?!!?

    Dogs and cats living together . . . MASS HYSTERIA.

    Just messin' with ya Troll.



  8. A troll is someone who uses false but realistic knowledge to trick someone into believing in that knowledge, the more emotional the target the better the troll, I think he should switch his name
  9. Towers are static, which means they always are taken into effect.

    Since they aren't troop based, they are always taken into effect in their entirety.

    Let's say you're a ps with 5m adt (don't know why anyone would do that), and you have 0 troops. You will always get that 5m bonus. So if someone with 3m attack attacked you, he would most likely fail without pots or mith.
  10. /lock. Question answered
  11. Were you so embarrassed by your question that you made an alt to ask it?
  12. Only dumb question is one not asked
  13. This guy, listen to him and you might learn something.
  14. Thou shalt not locketh the post of another ;)