Tournament System

Discussion in 'Wars' started by gtrr, Jun 6, 2012.

  1. like other updates this will be a epic fail, most clans get in osw at least once every 3 months so how can u stop a war to enter a tournament? lol :lol: maybe ask ur enemy for a 2 day CF lmao,these points and items ATA will give out will only help those who chicken out at every strip war that comes their way, how about items for those who hit off the BL or none system war? devs u fail us again and again,
  2. Idk maybe outside hits won't go through.
  3. Maybe the point is outside hits affect the tourament / top clan/family in the seasonal tournament shows who was the best/strongest not neccessarily in strength, but at least politically and/or skill.

    ..the point is outside hits go through :|

    EDIT2: Were neither of you here or around the time of/for the 2nd War Experiment? Go read up on it in the News section of forums and see how that worked.
  4. mods are so up the devs ass, no point in me even commenting
  5. could actually look up what I'm talking about, and see that I'm right and that's how they're intended to go...
    The fact that you have no reply aside from declaring me biased/trying to invalidate my opinion without disproving it says enough.

    EDIT: also, at what I was refering to, people liked it that way...
  6. Can clans choose to be part of the wars?
  7. Yes. Go read up on the requirements to get an idea. As is, they're reseting prestige, so you'd kind of have to be going for it with the requirement of 8 wars won post-reset alone.
  8. the ASW was a example of this Team Wrath had AG all over them over a issuse with a unpaid bill from Maj i heard, so question is would team wrath have won if they wasnt pinned ? AG kept those sleeping DTW popping max xstalls etc, so if ur in a OSW while in a tournament this will be a big factor that could effect both sides, plus look at the current prestige system what a load of BS that is look at the top guys war history, all you are doing in promoting borning wars fighting from pin aka whack a mole
  9. Yes I have read it but it was an experiment. Will the same rules apply this time around?
  10. I know what you mean about the true strength of a clan but this is going to be a tournament. Its different from the experiment. Idk about you but I play sports when you tell me tournament I think of 1v1 until we know who's the best. But this is a war game.. Not FIFA world cup :)
  11. Are the devs going to stop clans from declaring fake non system wars with their alternative clans just to get their eight wars in? Would be great if only real wars counted to the prestige points, with real battles going on rather than just manipulating the system to gain prestige.
  12. Only top 200 clans qualify I think fake alts would have a hard time applying :p
  13. system wars! I appreciate the devs work on this but they might as well title them turtle tournaments.
  14. I'd join in but I'd get my ass kicked straight away
  15. How long will the wars be?
  16. Sorry, I'll ask that on official thread..

  17. :D :lol: :p :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Lol don't think devs can win. No matter what they do they will have haters.

    One we dont know all the specifics. I would bet outside hits will not be allowed. But remember this is only for weekends. So if in osw you will only get to hide for 48 or 24 hours depending on length.

    But im just guessing like the rest of folks here.
  19. Scrub OP is scrub
  20. Sounds good