Tournament style

Discussion in 'Ideas + Feature Requests' started by Layaa_Jr, Apr 11, 2014.

  1. A daily tournament in which you and an opposer get a life bar like an eb and Duke it out!
    Your set into brackets by combined stats like 6-8 mil. And you attack and/or assassinate each other.
    It would depend on your build being better to win due to you hit different amounts if you assassinate or attack with a specific build. Such as a 3.8 mil spy atk def Hansel could kill a 2 mil atk def all arounder.
    Who ever wins would fight another 9 people and winner gets an xtal.

    Of course it's 2 am and I have no idea how to make it look pretty. And I know there are flaws in this but they be fixed so please do LEAVE YOUR INPUT on this because I didn't know how to word it.
  2. Alot of work for one xtal not gunna lie, i feel it woukd be better to do as a clan with like a tournament of 8 clans, winning clan all get 6xtals
  3. Yeah I was thinking that too but again it could be xtal a day which many don't get. And full clans thought popped up but it seems like mini wars
  4. I support this, could be quite fun, but i would not like to be a SH sized player in this tournament :D
  5. Nah if anything thats not enough for an xtal :p but i love it and support it <3
  6. I'm sure if devs like it they'll change it and make it better. Like maybe 2 xtal and some bloodwood or aqua or something who knows. Just glad you guys get the point