Toughest ee clans faced

Discussion in 'Wars' started by YA-_Roid_-FI, Nov 6, 2013.

  1. Wanna see which everyone thinks are the toughest theyve faced this season give as many as you like

    Mine would be
  2. Rising hawks
  3. Empire Rising. Always was and I hope they always will be 
  4. Who wars anymore? 
  5. A lot of people, Head.
  6. So you're a gh just because head?
  7. Gh is a good build and cheap great for eb fairies
  8. If you like sticking to haunts and lower...
  9. everyone who tracks EEs knows that rising hawks are unbeatable ...
  10. Ancienne. Rising hawks have been beaten, therefore they are not unbeatable. It just doesn't happen very often
  11. Why the hell did you take me seriously?
  12. I was joking. Just incase that wasn't obvious 
  13. i'm thinking for me it would have to be warthog strafe run then No match found then strike force or w.32
  14. Dragon sanctuary by far best ee clan I have faced all season
  15. Rising hawks are awesome but the best IMO are empire rising for tactics and teamwork taken too many poundings courtesy of them 
  16. oG Alliance when I was at voodoo!
  17. Rising Hawks this season, but last season it was GHC Syndicate.
  18. Season 1 was deff PoC or sotra folkvangr. Season 2 has been relatively easy. We've only suffered about 5 losses whole season, either from me not commanding or some BS match.
  19. We Came To Lose.... That was always a fight.....